Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1784  2 Jun  London  

279. George Parker to Charles Whitworth, consigning the ship Nancy to him.  ''I have furnished you with an Invoice of the Cargo, and Inclos'd you a Bill of Lading, the Amount with Freight, Insurance &c. at the exact first Cost £3444.16.6 Stg.'' Has chartered the ship for the W. Indies and wishes to have her sent from Shelburne with all possible dispatch; ''but as She hath bulky Articles on board, and Warehouse Room with you may be much wanted, it will certainly be most adviseable to sell all the large Articles if possible on saving or on gaining terms and deliver them from the Ship, which I hope will be effected in from 10 to 15 Days after her Arrival as the Ship will lay at £3 Sterling p. Day expence besides the disadvantage arising from protraction of the Voyage, which I desire you will consider in every point of View and act accordingly. It is my present wish to send you Ships frequently Consigned with Salt and other bulky Goods that will pay a freight to the Ship if their Cargoes can be readily sold and Remitted for, That I would greatly prefer to a lingering Sale on any Terms.'' Expects to send a large ship from Portugal inside of two months. This ship is to take lumber to the W. Indies, and cured fish, if it is not too early in the season. Parker's son is to stay with Whitworth until the business has been finished.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 279


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