Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1894  21 Nov  Yarmouth  

1493. Arthur McGray to N. W. White, relative to the South Shore railway. He states the conditions under which the company contracted to build the railway, shows that neither the provincial subsidy nor the right of way over the route has materialized, and discusses the reasons for the antagonism of the provincial government, the Yarmouth town council and many individuals. "That the secret of the antagonism of these various honourable bodys is their desire to crush out of existence this enterprise, and to build up by every possible concession the narrow gauge road as a Grit organization - to become the killing influence in the approaching Dominion elections is manifested everywhere and disputed by none." He asks for an arrangement whereby "one half the subsidy would be regarded as earned upon the completion of each ten mile section..." so that the railway company may have more support of the dominion government to offset the local government's opposition. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 956 No. 1493


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