1820 4 Jul Liverpool
1107. Jared Chipman to Gideon White, on various public matters. You will perceive by the Newspapers that I have presented the address to his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, which he received most graciously and appeared much gratified with our attention on this occasion, - I had an opportunity of seeing him once or twice and was much pleased with his gentlemanly affable deportment - I think he is a man of business, and I hope that both inclination and policy will lead him to cultivate a good understanding with the people and the various authorities of the country and especially with the Assembly -...I am happy to learn Bingay and McKinnon succeeded at Argyle, and by so large a majority. I understand however that there was very warm contest and a good deal of wrangling among the Acadians and the Yarmouth Freeholders. - The zeal and spirit displayed by Shelburn and Argyle will, I trust, put an end to the further attempts of Yarmouth agt. Shelburne.'' Holograph.
White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 954 No. 1107
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/file-list/
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