Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 46 to 60 of 83 from your search: 2008

1793  23 Aug  Halifax  

569. Order to James Spry Heaton, Clerk of the Cheque to His Majesty's Ordnance, for certain articles of ordnance and stores to be issued to Capt. Gideon White.  List of articles. Form of receipt to be signed by White. [Enclosed in Heaton to White, 24 Aug., below]

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 569

1794  10 May  New York  

574. Jas. Dole to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He is sorry to learn of the bad state of Shelburne. "- you never wrote me a word abote Geting a Grant for my Lots which Joins you - now the Enemy of Shelburne is moved, to his grave and its frind at the Helm, I would hope that there be but little difficulty in obtaining a Grant for my two lots at the Falls, the Embargo has prevented my being with you this season. I greatly wonder that the four Cows & fine places in such Order would not rent for something handsome seeing it was in the care of so able a man as yourself but I expect it must be oweing to the decrease of its Inhabitants. Corn is very scarce & hard to be got price 4/6 p. Bushel, the Peopple aboute Albany sledom have any corn to dispose of, but if it was ever so Cheape & plenty the Embargo prevents its being shipt." Friendly messages. [Bad Spelling.] Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 574

1795  31 Aug  London  

585. Instructions issued by the Commissioners of the Admiralty to direct officers commanding H. M. ships in impressing seamen.  Printed, addressed to John Whipple, commanding H. M. gunboat the attack.  13 pp. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 585

1795  14 Oct  Halifax  

587. Commission making Gideon White deputy Naval Officer for the port and county of Shelburne, signed by W. Cottnam Tonge, Naval Officer for the province.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 587

1795  14 Oct  Shelburne  

588. Instructions of the Naval Officer to his deputy as to carrying on the business of the office.  13 articles. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 588

1796  4 May  Halifax  

597. W. Cottnam Tonge to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. With regard to a fee for certifying non-enumerated bonds, he refers to previous letter - "it appears to me that there is very good Ground for taking it, & I wish you do do it if not at the risk of a very violent Contest…a fee should however be taken for either List of Men, or Bill of Stores from every vessel that clears outwards, & here I invariably take it without Dispute, this a point we must not recede from." He encloses seizing commission, for which there is a fee of 31/8, some bonds under the new law "for which I suppose you have occasion for when your Coasters carry grain or Flour from one place to another," deputation for collecting the light duties "from the Americans, which I expect will turn out a valuable Business - I enclose you a Blank Deputation & Instructions which you will give to any Person within your District whom you can confide in if you see may have more assistants by giving them the Blank Certificates signed by you, if there are Persons you can well trust & you will make your own Bargain with them for doing the Duty as you will be allowed 25 per Cent on the Collections made by yourself or under your authority, I beg that you will be very particular & early in making report of any that refuse to pay...I suppose you will be soon making a trip to Barrington & should you catch any of those Jockies (?) at their usual Practices there it would give me great Satisfaction whether they were Americans or our own Lads - There is a Mr. Nehemiah Kinney who has often cheated the naval office, & I believe Seldom comes from the States without a few little odd notions." Friendly messages.  Holograph.
Overleaf: note in White's hand that letter was answered in person. 11 June, 1796.
Enclosure: seizing commission, 30 Apr. 1796, above.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 597

1797  4 Jan  Shelburne  

611. George Ross to Gideon White, in reply to his letter relative to the fire warden's complaint. ''…I regard it as a pointed affair, for Mr. Cox having sett fire to his Chimney he ought in justice to pay the fine himself before he exacts it from another. I think it is hard to call on me for the neglect of a Servant, it would be more agreeable to punish the Negroe Wench who sett fire to the Chimney, besides I gave the people who brought the Engine half a gallon of Brandy for their trouble which ought to be deducted from the fine, when Mr. Cox has paid his fine I shall readily comply with the Law altho I am ignorant what it is.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 611

1797  4 Jan  Shelburne  

612. Order of Gideon White, J. P., to the constables of Shelburne that they summon George Ross, merchant, to answer the firewardens' charge on or before 10th Jan. 
Overleaf: charge of the plaintiff, president of the firewardens, against George Ross for not having his chimney swept. Undated and unsigned.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 612

1797  25 Jan  Shelburne  

613. Writ of execution issued by Gideon White, J. P., to the sheriff for levying on the goods and chattels of George Ross a fine of 10/, plus 5/6 for charges; for want thereof he is to take the body of Ross into custody.  Writ returnable in ten days. Dated 25 Jan. Signed.
Overleaf: 6 Feb., to report of the sheriff, below

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 613

pre 1799   Jan  Shelburne  

628. Draft of address of the magistrates and clergy on behalf of the citizens of Shelburne to His Royal Highness Prince Edward, on his visiting Shelburne. [In Gideon White's handwriting.]  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 628

1799  3 Oct  Shelburne  

636. [Cox & Gracie, agents for the Nelson?] to their agents in Halifax [Foreman, Grassie & Co.?] relative to the brig Nelson. The vessel is now being converted into a brig and will need a new commission, which they wish to obtain, together with some additional certificate from the Admiral or possibly from the Duke of Kent, since doubts have been thrown on the latest capture of the vessel owing to her commission. Directions for them to advertise the sale of the late prize cargo, which will take place at Shelburne within five days of the condemnation of the vessel. Memorandum of articles needed by the vessel. Incomplete.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 636

1803  18 Apr  Shelburne  

761. Copy of letter from four justices of the peace to the Bishop of Nova Scotia: ''We lament the Necessity for informing you, that the Situation of the Church of England in this Place is truly alarming and Distressing to Us. We forbear to be particular at present - hoping that you, Right Reverend Sir, will soon visit the Church here; but if unfortunately your Health should not permit a Voyage to this Town, We request, that you will please to direct a Clergyman (of Experience) to Visit us - to learn whatsoever is true respecting our Church.'' 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 951 No. 761

1803  24 Jun  Halifax  

766. Bishop of Nova Scotia to four justices of the peace, (Gideon White, Samuel Campbell, J. VanBuskirk and John Skinner) in reply to their letter relating to the state of the Church of England in Shelburne.  The Bishop has received a petition testifying to the good conduct of the clergyman in question, and reprimands the magistrates for their critical spirit. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 951 No. 766

1804  19 Jul  Shelburne  

798. Joseph Prescott to Gideon White at Halifax, giving him the latest local news, particularly warning him of the intentions of his enemies, the "virtuous Parson" [Rowland, the Church of England clergyman?] and his supporters.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 952 No. 798

1804  17 Aug  Shelburne  

803. Receipt of Archibald Cunningham for £16.13.4 from Gideon White for "his two thirds of subscription towards the building of the Church of Scotland in this Town", also of £3.15 for subscription towards support of Rev. Mr. Dripps as minister of that church.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 952 No. 803

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