Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 31 to 45 of 1613 from your search:

1768  31 Mar  London  

31. Alexander Cunningham to his brother Archibald. Personal. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 31

1768  11 Apr  Haddington  England

32. John Cunningham to his brother Archibald.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 32

1768  7 Sep  Boston  

33. Protest to Bill of Exchange from Glasgow.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 33

1768  15 Sep  London  

34. Alexander Cunningham to his brother Archibald. Business and personal. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 34

1768  17 Sep  Haddington  England

35. John Cunningham to his brother Archibald. Business and personal. Comments on the "mobs of England…raised by the pretended Guardians of Liberty." Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 35

 Sep  Haddington  England

36. Plan and drawing of the Haddington Town Hall.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 36

1775  2 Feb  Plymouth  

37. Deed by Gideon White of his house to his son Cornelius in exchange for £100. Registered 28th Feb. Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 37

 Dec  London  

38. Letter from Dr. Miles Whitworth to a member of his family, evidently his father. Personal. He has chosen not to go into the government's service for political reasons: "let the Matter be settled ever so amicably, there will always subsist private piques and resentments between the Parties, so that I should be in the number of those who are stigmatised with the Names of Ministerial Friends. Enemies to their Country &c. which I have hitherto happily escap'd; and tho' they are Titles which no honest man will regard, yet they are such as every prudent one wou'd wish to avoid." Duplicate. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 38

1777  27 Jan  Plymouth  

39. Typewritten copy of photostat of bond for £200 to be paid to the chairman of the committee of Correspondence for Plymouth on Gideon White's violating the following conditions: "...Whereas the above named Gideon White has Resided in the province of Nova Scotia for Some Considerable time, & was taken by Capt. Samson & brot here as a prisoner and is Looked upon as Inimical to this State - If therefore the sd. Gideon White shall from the date hereof Confine himself within the Limits of his fathers house & garden & not Depart therefrom without Liberty first had from Lawfull Authority (except on the Sabbath to Attend Publick Worship) and Shall be forth Coming when Called for by sd Authority Then the Above Written Obligation Shall be void, Otherwise to remain in full force & virtue.'' Signed, sealed etc.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 39

1777  27 Jan  St. Eustatius  

40. Certificate in Dutch, by the Governor of St. Eustatius, that Cornelius White is a burgher of the island. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 40

1777  15 May  New York  

41. [Copy of] letter from Captain Cornelius White to Messrs. T., J., and Wm. Cochran, Halifax merchants. He relates his experiences since sailing from Halifax with a cargo of fish for the West Indies. Having sold his fish, some of which had spoiled, he loaded rum and sugar and set out to sail for home under convoy. The convoy having failed, he sailed to St. Eustatius where he was eventually obliged to sell both ship and cargo rather than be taken by one of the many privateers that infested the seas around the islands. He sold the rum at cost and the sugar below cost; he got 280 Johannes for the brig. Has transmitted the bills of exchange to Watson & Rashleigh in London, since West India Bills are risky and somewhat under par. Regrets that he has made such a bad voyage. His brother's ship has been captured and he requests the Cochrans to have him exchanged for one of the captains who are brought in to Halifax. Expects to be in Halifax soon, and will be glad to execute any commissions before he leaves New York. Compliments to Mrs. Cochran, George and Mr. Strachan and Smith. Postscript asking Cochrans to claim his brother's schooner if she should be retaken, and sell her for the most she will fetch.
Enclosure: Rec't for bills of exchange, below. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 41

1777  15 May  New York  

42. Thos. Beamish's receipt for six bills of exchange which he is to deliver to Thos., Jas. And Wm. Cochran, Halifax. 
[Enclosed in White to Messrs. Cochrane, above.] Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 42


43. Bill for attorney's services to Gideon White.  Receipted.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 43

1778  3 Apr  Liverpool  

44. Note of Matthew McClarnon that he will pay John Prince, Cornelius and Gideon White £2.18.9  Signed with his mark.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 44

1778  9 Dec  New York  

45. Nathaniel Whitworth to his mother. Personal and family matters. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 947 No. 45

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