''I wrote you a few days since by Mr. McLeod at which time the amazing Fires that surround us had not approached Your Farm, but on the next day it broke out on the Birch Town Road and has continued raging ever since, the whole almost of Yours & Doles Fences are gone, and the Grass on the Hill & behind the Stone Wall burnt the same as if it had been cut and dryed such is the drought, the whole of the Oats is scorched and I am afraid ruined past recovery, as yet it has not touched the Potatoes, but without rain I am afraid they will not escape,...the Settlement has received by it a very deadly Wound & numbers totally - ruined; and Forage will not be able to be had, You had therefore better buy about Six bushels of Oats and have them sowed where they Others were, they will make good Fodder & I have Grass Seed still remaining to sow with them - with the addition of five or six pounds of White Clover & You will want a pound of Turnip Seed...''
Reference: Gideon White Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 950 number 552.
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/archives/?ID=552
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