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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Mr. Woodbury's General Account

Transcript: Western Tour 1842 The Ganifon of Laws for hrovifrons fent to Victual 144 Men there according to

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/4 Mr. John Eason London the 29 August 1749 Sr. I am favour'd with yours of th

Letter, Joshua Peirce, Portsmouth, to John Easson

Transcript: Portsmouth, Oct 9th, 1749 Mr. John Easson Sir My not having any Opportunity Directly from this

Account, John Easson with the Estate of Joshua Peirce, Esq.

Transcript: Mr John Eason to the Estate of Joshua Peirce Esqr dec.d of

Letter to Doctor John Wright

Transcript: Contra ---------------------------------------------------- Cr Doctor John Wright Sir I rec'd You

Articles in account Sent by Messrs. Dyson & Co. which Differ from mine

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A18 Articles in the account Sent by Dyson & Co which 1751.

Account, John Easson with Samuel Austin, Boston

Transcript: [1750?] Mr. John Easson his accot. current Saml Austin Dr. Decemr 14th To sundrys per note per

Division, Easson and Bunells Boards

Transcript: 65 [+]65 [=]130 16 [+] 18 [=] 34 To Capt Wilson 320 of pine 300 spruce ----- 620 [the above t

Account, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, with Thomas Lane, London

Transcript: Dr Mr John Eason of Annapolis Royal his acco curr't 1749

List of items sold to Major Philips and others

Transcript: MG 1 vol.3478 A/12 February 26 1752 Sold to Major Philipps 1lb Green_ -0.14.0 1 pound Bohea d

Account, John Easson with William Bogdani

Transcript: Mr. John Easson, his acco.t } Current with William Bogdani }

Sundry Paragraphs out of Mr Mauger's Letters

Transcript: Sundry Paragraphs out of Mr. M[torn page] the Insurance of the sloop Wren Vess[torn page] 1751 Ma

Account, Francis Johannot, Boston, with Daniel Dyson & Company, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Boston 5 Octor: 1752 Sales of a parcell Furrs pr: the scooner Success, Mackey, Commander from Annap

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Transcript: Mr. John Eason London y.e 10 March 1753 S.r This being my first opportunity of

Account, Thomas Lane, London, with John Easson

Transcript: Dr. Mr. John Eason, of Ann[page torn] 1752 Dec... 30. To Balance of his old account of this date £

Account, Messrs Daniel Dyson & Company

Transcript: 1783 Messrs Daniel Dyson & Compy. Dr: To hire of sloop Neptune 2months 11days _@17.6.8_ | 40..0..5½

Sundry Paragraphs out of Mr. Joshua Mauger's Letters ...

Transcript: Sundry Paragraphs out of Mr Joshua Maugers Letters relating to the Insurance of the sloop Wren and C

Sundry Paragraphs out of Capt. Joshua Mauger's Letters ...

Transcript: MG1 Sundry Paragraphs out of Mr. Joshua Maugers Letters relating to the Insurance of th

Letter, John Avery to Francis Johonnot

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/21 Mr. Francis Johonnot Sir At your desire I have examin'd[sic] the papers

Letter, Lane & Booth to John Easson

Transcript: [duely?] advised your two bills to Michael [Donnell?] for £35 and £36 are both paid by us & charged

Account, John Easson with William Bogdani, London

Transcript: [left side of page] Mr. John Easson, Acco Curr.} D.r with W Bogdani 1753

Letter, Joshua Mauger, Annapolis Royal, to Major Philipps

Transcript: Annapolis Royal 1st April 1754 Sir In Regard to the affair of Insurance of the Sloop Wren it

Arbitration Bond, Joshua Mauger to Dyson & Co.

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/25 Know all Men By these Presents that I Joshua Mauger of the Town of Hali

Account, Daniel Dyson & Co. with Mr. Hadley

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A126 To Daniel Dyson & Comp'y Cr. 1750 March 18th

Letter from A. Castaing, Louisbourg

Transcript: Louisbourg, May, 19th, 1754 Sir I have had the honour of Answering y'r letter dated the first

Letter from W. Bogdani

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/28 Tower of London 20th June 1754 Sir On the 25 M

Fraix pour l'expedition du Batteau le Dove au retour Annapolisse Royalle...

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/29 1764 Fraix pour lexpedition du Batteau Le dove au Retour a Napolisse Royal

Facture Des marchandises...

Transcript: 1754 Facture Des marchandises que ant. Castaing à charchéer dans le Batteau

Invoice of Sundries Shipped on board the Sloop Dove

Transcript: Invoice of cargo shipp'd on board the Dove by Dyson & Easson consign'd to Mr Castaine (copie)

Letter, A. Castaing, Louisbourg, to Messrs. Dyson and Easson, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/32 Messieurs Dyson et Easson anapolisse Royalle } A Louisbourg ce 14 aoust 1784

Letter to Monsieur Castine

Transcript: Sir Monsr Castine MG1 vol. 3478 A/33 Sir We recd. Yours yesterday by the pilo

Copies of Mr. Anthony Costaign's letters to us

Transcript: date of sd letters MG1 vol. 3478 A I

Letter to Mr. Hallowell

Transcript: In regard to the wood Contract for the next year we desire you will let us know by Mackay if there i

Power of Attorney, Daniel Dyson and John Easson, Annapolis, to Peter Boyer, Boston

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 A/36 Know all men by these presents that we Daniel Dyson and John Esson of Annapolis R

Letter, Major Erasmus J. Philipps, Annapolis Royal, to Joshua Mauger

Transcript: Annapolis Royal Nov. 26th 1754 MGI vol. 3478 A/

Account, Estate of William Cowley with John Easson

Transcript: The Estate of William Cowley Esq Deceasd to John Easson [Left Column] Dr.

Account, Estate of William Cowley with Daniel Dyson & Company

Transcript: The Estate of William Cowley Esqr Deceasd to Dan Dyson & Comp [left side of page] Dr 1754

Letter, B. Hallowell, Boston, to Dyson & Easson

Transcript: Boston February 25 1755 Messers Dyson and Easson Gen'm I have received your several favours all

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/41 London y'e 17 March 1755 Mr John Eason Sir This being my first this Spring i

Account, David Sebery with John Easson

Transcript: MG 1 Vol. 3478 A/42 May 27 To Spade__ £ 0"5"0 To sundries__ 0

Promissory note, Perrot Landry, in favour of Dyson & Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royal August 15th. 1755 I do acknowledge to owe to Mess. Dyson and Easson the Sum

Promissory note, Alexey Doucett, in favour of Dyson & Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/44 Annapolis Royal Augt 18th. 1755

Promissory note, Charles Champaign, in favour of Dyson & Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royal Augt. 18th 1755 I do acknowledge to owe to Dyson and

Account, William Cowley with Joseph Winniett

Transcript: Dr. William Cowley Esq'r . . . . to Joseph Winniett Cr.

Copy of letter, Dyson & Easson to Mr. Hallowell

Transcript: MGl vol: 3478 A/47 Mr Hallowell

Power of Attorney, Susannah Cowley, Annapolis Royal, to Mr. Lane, London

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/48 Know all Men by these presents that I Susannah Cowley Widow & sole Executrix

Letter, Thomas Lane, London

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/49

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