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Nova Scotia Archives

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Easson Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/69

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Letter, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/69 My Deer David Annapolis Royall Janr. 12th 1769 I have this Opper

Letter, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson

Transcript: PS David Mr. Walker and all his famley Gives there Compliments to you and John Lekine and Dessiers

Letter, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson

Transcript: the 27=1769 Boston D March Setteld with mr John Lions and Paid Captain Attwood out of it five Po

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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