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Easson Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/225

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Letter, John Carter, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol 3478 A/225 Halifax Oct'r 26th/26 Annapolis Mr Dear Eason You know you are soundly &

Letter, John Carter, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: crust comes on the snow, and then you shall see me as willing as ever to go after a moose__ how is y

Letter, John Carter, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: brothers family_ remember me particularly to them and to the goodnatured kind Mrs T. Eason tell her

Letter, John Carter, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: [illegible} Mr Alex.r Eason fav.d by E Cutler Esqr } Annapolis Royal [bottom edge upside dow

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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