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Nova Scotia Archives

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Easson Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/107

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Letter, William Easson, Jamaica, to his father, John Easson

Transcript: MGI Vol.2166 #107 Till the youngest son is of age who is learning the Trade - The Second son Ch

Letter, William Easson, Jamaica, to his father, John Easson

Transcript: She goes to New Brunswick which I am told is not far from you - There are never any vessells go fr

Letter, William Easson, Jamaica, to his father, John Easson

Transcript: This Transient life can afford, with my most earnest prayers to heven[heaven?] for your health, be

Letter, William Easson, Jamaica, to his father, John Easson

Transcript: [left side vertical] Mr John Easson at Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia John Easson John [H 8?]

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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