Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Letter, Nathaniel Peirce, Portsmouth to John Easson
Transcript: Mr. John Easson August y.e 16th: 1756 Inclosed you have your acct. [account] as it st
Promisory note, Philip Bertaux, in favour of Dyson & Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royale Nov. 17th 1756 I promise to pay one [on] Demand to Messrs Dyson and Easson on Or
Letter, Benjamin Hallowell, Boston, to Dyson & Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/52 Nov.r Boston 9th 1757
Receipt, John Watts, to Dyson & Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royal April 20th 1759 I do hereby acknowledge to have Received from mess: Dyson and Easso
Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair
Transcript: Annapolis Royal Sept. 23d 1789 Mr Petter[sic] Alair Sir. I Dissaier [Desire] you will Comeand
Articles of Apprenticeship Between John Easson, House Wright, and his Son David
Transcript: __Articles of Agreement__ Indented had made Concluded and Agreed upon this first day of April in
Promisory note, John Davis, in favour of John Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royal Sep tbr: 22 d: 1760 I promise to pay unto Mr John Eason on Order the Sum of Twenty
Receipt, Philip Bertaux to John Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royall 22.d June 1761 Rec't from Mr John Easson, full and Compleat payment of all Debts a
Receipt, Thomas Sparhawk, Boston to John Easson, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: Boston June 16th 1762 Receiv'd of Mr. John Easson of Anapolis Royal by the Hand of Mr. Joseph Bordm
Transcript: Debit Brot. forward ye foot. £ 14412:13:3 1754 Feb.ry 16. To cash paid Benj'n [Prat?] Esq.r for
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478A/62 Daniel Dyson & John Easson of Annapolis Royal to Francis Johannot
Statement, Francis Johannot, Boston
Transcript: I Francis Johonnot of Boston in New England Merchant Do Testify and Say That Sometime in the Month o
Discharge, William Nesbitt, Surrogate General, Nova Scotia, to John Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/64 These are to Certify all whom it may Concern that John Easson of Annapolis Roy
Account, Captain Robert George Bruce with John Easson
Transcript: Account Capt Rob. Geo. Bruce with Mr John Easson Dr 1764
Copy of letter, John Easson to Francis Johonnot
Transcript: Anna': Royale 8th July 1766 Mr: Johonnot Sir You must know from my long correspondance with you t
Deed of land, Thomas Walker to John Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A 167 Indenture made at Annapolis Royal in the - Nova Scotia this sixth Day of A
Statement of Indebtedness, John Harris, Annapolis Royal, to John Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/68 Know all men by these present that I John Harris of Annapolis Royal in the Pr
Letter, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/69 My Deer David Annapolis Royall Janr. 12th 1769 I have this Opper
Release Quit Claim, Benjamin Hallowell, Boston, to John Easson
Transcript: Know all men by these presents that I Benjamin Hollowell of Boston in New England Esqr: have Remised
Power of Attorney, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson
Transcript: KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I, John Easson of Annapolis Royale in the County of Annapolis an
Letter, John Easson, Halifax, to David Easson
Transcript: MG1 Vol.3478 A/72 Deer David, Hallefax[Halifax] Septr 3 rd 1770 I have wrott to you by Mr Wilke
Power of Attorney, John Easson to David Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol.3478 A/73 Know all men by these presents that I John Easson of Annapolis Royal f
Statement of Account, Ebenezer Worthylake
Transcript: MG 1 vol.3478 A/74 Annapolis Royall March the 22 1771 Mrs. Ebenneasur Worthlake To D.
Statement of account, John Easson with Lane Son & Fraser, London
Transcript: Dr. Mr. John Eason of Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia in Account with Lane Son & Fraser Cr. Dr.
Letter, Lane Son & Fraser, London, to John Easson
Transcript: London y.e[the] 12th July 1771 Mr Jn Easson [Dr Sir?]
Contract between David Easson and Captain David Adamson of the ship Brudenell of London
Transcript: It is hereby mutually agreed on by and between the parties to those presents as follows, that is to
Transcript: Mr. Eason Bought of J. Pettit 1771 Augst. 21 a C of Coal Scope -15.- To 7 Iron Shov
Receipt, Robert Field, London, to Mr. Easson
Transcript: Mr Easson London 5 Sept 1771 Bot of Robt Field 1 pr Very Best wool cards __ 20d. 1.8-
Account, David Easson with Andrew Ritchie
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/81 1770 Dr Mr David Easson To Andrew Ritchie April 24 To 8lb Brown suger ___7d
Account, Captain Peter Prescott with David Easson
Transcript: Annapolys Royall Novr. the 2 1772 Capt. Peetor Prescoat to David Easson Dr. to 2pds of tobacou £
Writ of Mandamus against David Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/83 Annapolis [NS?] George the third by the grace of God of Grate Britain France a
Account, John Easson with Hopestill Capen, Boston
Transcript: MG1 vol 3478 A/84 Boston Aug't 1773 Mr John Eason Bo.t of Hopestill Capen 1 [pr?] blankets N1
Statement of account, John Easson with Jon Williams Jr, Boston
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/85 1773 Mr John Esson to Jon Williams, Jun'r Dr_ Augt 4 To 5 Blankets _@9/_
Invoice, Joseph Webb, Boston, to John Easson
Transcript: Boston augt. 25. 1773__ Mr John Easson Bot. of Jos: Webb__ 3 Iron Backs w.t 4,,0,,14 a 16/. 3,,6,
Letter, William Saunders, Placentia, to John Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/87 Mr John Easson I Received your very obliging favour of the August by Barker
Letter, William Saunders, Placentia, to John Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol 3478 A/88 Placentia Sept 21st 1773 Dear Sir your very obliging favour by Barker I duly
Account, John Easson with John Ritchie
Transcript: 1773 David Easson To John Belcher _ _ Dr July 1st To half a bushe of Salt _ _ _ _ -1.4½ 26th
Letter, William Saunders, Placentia, to John Easson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/90 Dear Sir Placentia 2d June 1774 I Received your kind favour of
Promissory Note, David Gardner, Machias, to David Easson
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/91 Machias September the 22nd 1774 & for Vallue received I promise
Transcript: Halifax Octo.r 17. 1774 Sir Sometime agoe I Rec.d your letter of the 7th. Sep:tr and agreable to y
Indenture, John Easson to Silas and Eunice Balcom, all of Annapolis Royal
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/93 This Indenture made and Concluded upon the Thirtieth day of May in the year of
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/94 County of Annapolis - Nova Scotia - - - Memorandam of agreement made this six
Bill of Exchange, drawn by David Easson on Isaac Deschamps in favour of James Monk
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/95 Sir Please to pay James Monk Esq.r or order the sum of Six pounds nineteen sh
Letter of Permission, General Sir Thomas Gage, Boston
Transcript: By His Excellency The Honourable Thomas Gage Captain General and Governor in Chief in and Over His
Letter, Robert Fletcher, Halifax, to John Easton
Transcript: Halifax, 1 July, 1776 Sir, Please to ship the Furrs I purchased of you a few days ago on board Mr.
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