Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Transcript: 21st William Winniett Dr. To 4yds of broad Cloth at 20/ pr yd " Joseph Wheelock Dr To 4yds of cotto
Invoice of Sundries Shipt by Benjamin Hallowell
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/3 Invoice of Sundrys [sic] Shipt [shipped] by Benj.n Hallowell onboard the Schoon
Account, John Easson with Silas Balcom
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/4 Annapolis Royall Jan.y 6th 1789 John Easson to Mr Balcom
Account, John Easson with Silas Balcom
Transcript: 1776 Mr. John Easson Dr By Mr. S Balcom. 1lb Tobaco [sic] 2/ £ 0.2.0 May 20} 1781}
Receipt from Francis Hutchenson, Halifax
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/5 Halifax Nov.r 16 1759 Rec.d of Mr John Easson Thirteen Guineas in part of Twe
Promissory note, John Easson, in favour of Paul Dudley Woodbridge
Transcript: I Promis [sic] to Pay Paul Dudley Woodbridge or order forty Doller [sic] on Demand With Interest ti
Transcript: Annapolis Royal June 26th 1790 This day gauged one punchion [sic] of Rum Imported by Mr. John Ea
Account, John Easson with John Troy
Transcript: 1790 Mr John Easson Dr Joh. Troy To Preparing Mill Irons ______ 0..18..6 To Shaping trunn
Transcript: 16 To 2 gallon & 1 Quart Rum Ditto __3/6_ -7..10½ 20 To 1yard Cremson Bayes __ -4.6 3½yard
Receipt, Philip Bertaux, from John Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royall May 10th. 1763 This day recd. of John Easson a notte of hand for fourteen pounds.
Account, John Easson with Mr. Bartau
Transcript: Annapolis royall Setteled Accounts with Mr. Bartau his Acctt is ________ £ 69..10..1 My acctt is
Acount, John Easton with Richard Billings, Junior, Boston
Transcript: Mr. John Easton to Richard Billings Junr. Dr. £My. Boston April 16th 1776 Turning a Coat & wai
Account, Mrs. Easson with Isaac D. Bonnette
Transcript: August 1789 31st Mrs. Easson Boght of Isaac D. Bonnette 4yds of Blue Cloathe 14/ £ 2-16-0 4½yds
Draft, Thomas Burke, Annapolis Royal, on Abijah Parker, Granville, in favour of John Easson
Transcript: Anopolis Royal May 9th 1766 Sir Six months after Date Pay Mr. John Eason or Order Ten Shilings Curr
Account, John Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]
Transcript: Mr John Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr 1787
Promissory note, John Davis in favour of John Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/16 I promise to pay unto Mr. John Easson the sum of Ten Pounds this currency for
Account, John Easson with McDougald & Davis
Transcript: Mr. John Eason To McDougald & Davis Dr. 1789 Septr. 26 Making a Sute of Cloaths for yourself
Account, Jonathan Davison with John Easson, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: Annapolis Royall June 16th 1779 Mr. Jonatha Davison to John Easson__ Dr To Cash
Account, Joseph Dunbar with John Easson, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: Annapolis Royall Augst 31st 1785 Mr. Joseph Dunbar to John Easson Dr. 1784 May To your not D
Draft, John Eagles, St. Johns, on Isaac Cuserd in favour of John Easson
Transcript: Sts. Johns November 4th 1785 Mr Isaac Cuser[d] Sir Please to pay to Mr Easton the sum of 10 teen[t
Transcript: Halifax June 9th 1779 Recd. of Mr. John Easson by the hands of Ephraim Tibeo Ten pounds on accot.
Receipt, Robert Fletcher, Annapolis
Transcript: Annapolis, 19th June 1776 Received of Mr John Eason a sett of Bills for Seventy Seven Pounds Sterlin
Furs in Possession of Mr. John Easton, Belonging to Mr. Robert Fletcher
Transcript: Furrs in Possession of Mr. John Easton belonging to Mr. Robt. Fletcher, viz. 21 Loup cervier @ 6
Draft, Edward Goucher on John Easson in Favour of the Bearer
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/23 Mr Easson Annapolis Please to Pay the Bearer that Small Matter in fis [fish]
Account, William Graves with John Easson
Transcript: Mr. William Graves to John Easson Dr. To 74 pds of iron ________ £ 0"12"4 To 1 bushell of Barl
Account, John Easson with Green & Cleverly, Boston
Transcript: Mr. John Easson Bout. of Green & Cleverly } Boston April 25 1774 6 Cod [Lines?] at 3/10
Account, John Easton with John Gwin, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: Mr John Easton [To An?] acct with J Gwin 1783 August To 800 Feet of Bord for the Church @60/.. 2:8
Account, John Easson with John Gwin, Annapolis Royal
Transcript: Annapolis Royal [August 27- struck out] th 1783 Mr John Eston Dr On acct with J Gwin To 13lb o
Account, John Easson with William Hunter
Transcript: Mr. Eason __________ Annaplois Royall 1775 Novr. 2 ______ Bought of Wm Hunter 1 ps Shalloun ___
Account, John Easton with Robert Laidley, Saint John
Transcript: Mr. Easson / St. John 22d Octr. 1788 To Robert Laidley To putting the spout into
Account, John Easson with John LeCain
Transcript: Mr. Easson Dr. 1778 April To 4 new Shoues 0.6.0 To Mending Dog 0.1.0 To Sharping 5 picks 0
Account, John Easson with Thomas LeCain
Transcript: Annapolis Royal Octor. 3rd. 1787 Sir Pleas to Pay the Barrer 2 Shillings it being for worke Dun by
Account, Captain Lovett with John Easson
Transcript: Capt. Lovett to Jo.n Easson _____ Dr 1765 May 13 To 1 [trip?] of yr flett £ 0..5..0 June 9 T
Promisory note, James Montgomery, Annapolis Royal, in favour of John Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royal 18th July 1757 I promis to pay to Mr. John Easson or his Order the sum of Eighteen
Letter, John Morgan, Granville, to John Easson
Transcript: Granville May 8th 1782 Mr Jno Eson Sir Plees (Please) to Deliver to Mr [Fredrick?] [Sinkler?] one
Account, John Morrison with John & David Easson
Transcript: Annapolis Royall Septr. 14th 1774 John Morison to John Easson & David Easson Dr. Decr. 10 1772 T
Account, Henerey Monrow [Henry Munro] with John Easson
Transcript: June 1768 Henerey Monrow to John Easson Dr. To Ballance Due on an old account £ 1=12=6 To 26 pds
Receipt, Mark Clark, Annapolis Royal, to John Easson
Transcript: Anoples [sic] Royal february 21 1784 Resseav.d [sic] of Mr. John Easson Six guines [sic] Seven
Account, John Easson with Joseph Patten
Transcript: granville March 16 1765 Mr. John Easson To Joseph Patten Dr. To Two Writs Coppy [Deed?] &c agains
Letter, Joseph Patten to John Easson
Transcript: Granville July 6 1779. Sir I am hired as executor of the Last will and testiment of John Parsons a
Account, John Easson with Christopher Prince
Transcript: ___ Mr. John Easson in Acct. with Christr. Prince __ Dr. To acct. given in £ 35"10"11¼ " 1 Scyth
Account, John Easson with Christopher Prince
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/38.1 John Easson To Christr. Prince Dr. To one p.d of tea -4- To one p.d to
Promissory note, Philip Richardson, Wilmot, in favour of Henry Munro
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/39 Willmott 30th March 1769 Value I promise to pay Henry Munro Esq.r or [ord]er
Account, John Easson with Andrew Ritchie
Transcript: 1777 Mr. John Easson to Andrew Ritchie Dr June 10 To lent money 2..1
Account, John Easson with Andrew Ritchie
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/40.1 John Easson to Andrew Richie [sic] ____ Dr To 9yds and Half Quarter [
Account, John Easson with Andrew Ritchie
Transcript: 1787 Mr John Easson to Andrew Ritchie Dr Janr.y 12 To Cash paid him -.5.-
Account, John Easson with John Ritchie
Transcript: Mr. John Easson To John Ritchie Dr. 1774 July 26th to Paul Dayan 2.1.10 Augt. 5th " 2 B
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