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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Miscellaneous Account

Transcript: 21st William Winniett Dr. To 4yds of broad Cloth at 20/ pr yd " Joseph Wheelock Dr To 4yds of cotto

Invoice of Sundries Shipt by Benjamin Hallowell

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/3 Invoice of Sundrys [sic] Shipt [shipped] by Benj.n Hallowell onboard the Schoon

Account, John Easson with Silas Balcom

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/4 Annapolis Royall Jan.y 6th 1789 John Easson to Mr Balcom

Account, John Easson with Silas Balcom

Transcript: 1776 Mr. John Easson Dr By Mr. S Balcom. 1lb Tobaco [sic] 2/ £ 0.2.0 May 20} 1781}

Receipt from Francis Hutchenson, Halifax

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/5 Halifax Nov.r 16 1759 Rec.d of Mr John Easson Thirteen Guineas in part of Twe

Promissory note, John Easson, in favour of Paul Dudley Woodbridge

Transcript: I Promis [sic] to Pay Paul Dudley Woodbridge or order forty Doller [sic] on Demand With Interest ti

Receipt for Import Duty

Transcript: Annapolis Royal June 26th 1790 This day gauged one punchion [sic] of Rum Imported by Mr. John Ea

Account, John Easson with John Troy

Transcript: 1790 Mr John Easson Dr Joh. Troy To Preparing Mill Irons ______ 0..18..6 To Shaping trunn

Miscellaneous Account

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/9 Feb 22 s d 2½Gall rum from Mrs.

Miscellaneous Account

Transcript: 16 To 2 gallon & 1 Quart Rum Ditto __3/6_ -7..10½ 20 To 1yard Cremson Bayes __ -4.6 3½yard

Receipt, Philip Bertaux, from John Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royall May 10th. 1763 This day recd. of John Easson a notte of hand for fourteen pounds.

Account, John Easson with Mr. Bartau

Transcript: Annapolis royall Setteled Accounts with Mr. Bartau his Acctt is ________ £ 69..10..1 My acctt is

Acount, John Easton with Richard Billings, Junior, Boston

Transcript: Mr. John Easton to Richard Billings Junr. Dr. £My. Boston April 16th 1776 Turning a Coat & wai

Account, Mrs. Easson with Isaac D. Bonnette

Transcript: August 1789 31st Mrs. Easson Boght of Isaac D. Bonnette 4yds of Blue Cloathe 14/ £ 2-16-0 4½yds

Draft, Thomas Burke, Annapolis Royal, on Abijah Parker, Granville, in favour of John Easson

Transcript: Anopolis Royal May 9th 1766 Sir Six months after Date Pay Mr. John Eason or Order Ten Shilings Curr

Account, John Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]

Transcript: Mr John Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr 1787

Promissory note, John Davis in favour of John Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/16 I promise to pay unto Mr. John Easson the sum of Ten Pounds this currency for

Account, John Easson with McDougald & Davis

Transcript: Mr. John Eason To McDougald & Davis Dr. 1789 Septr. 26 Making a Sute of Cloaths for yourself

Account, Jonathan Davison with John Easson, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Annapolis Royall June 16th 1779 Mr. Jonatha Davison to John Easson__ Dr To Cash

Account, Joseph Dunbar with John Easson, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Annapolis Royall Augst 31st 1785 Mr. Joseph Dunbar to John Easson Dr. 1784 May To your not D

Draft, John Eagles, St. Johns, on Isaac Cuserd in favour of John Easson

Transcript: Sts. Johns November 4th 1785 Mr Isaac Cuser[d] Sir Please to pay to Mr Easton the sum of 10 teen[t

Receipt, John Fillis, Halifax

Transcript: Halifax June 9th 1779 Recd. of Mr. John Easson by the hands of Ephraim Tibeo Ten pounds on accot.

Receipt, Robert Fletcher, Annapolis

Transcript: Annapolis, 19th June 1776 Received of Mr John Eason a sett of Bills for Seventy Seven Pounds Sterlin

Furs in Possession of Mr. John Easton, Belonging to Mr. Robert Fletcher

Transcript: Furrs in Possession of Mr. John Easton belonging to Mr. Robt. Fletcher, viz. 21 Loup cervier @ 6

Draft, Edward Goucher on John Easson in Favour of the Bearer

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/23 Mr Easson Annapolis Please to Pay the Bearer that Small Matter in fis [fish]

Account, William Graves with John Easson

Transcript: Mr. William Graves to John Easson Dr. To 74 pds of iron ________ £ 0"12"4 To 1 bushell of Barl

Account, John Easson with Green & Cleverly, Boston

Transcript: Mr. John Easson Bout. of Green & Cleverly } Boston April 25 1774 6 Cod [Lines?] at 3/10

Account, John Easton with John Gwin, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Mr John Easton [To An?] acct with J Gwin 1783 August To 800 Feet of Bord for the Church @60/.. 2:8

Account, John Easson with John Gwin, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Annapolis Royal [August 27- struck out] th 1783 Mr John Eston Dr On acct with J Gwin To 13lb o

Account, John Easson with William Hunter

Transcript: Mr. Eason __________ Annaplois Royall 1775 Novr. 2 ______ Bought of Wm Hunter 1 ps Shalloun ___

Account, John Easton with Robert Laidley, Saint John

Transcript: Mr. Easson / St. John 22d Octr. 1788 To Robert Laidley To putting the spout into

Account, John Easson with John LeCain

Transcript: Mr. Easson Dr. 1778 April To 4 new Shoues 0.6.0 To Mending Dog 0.1.0 To Sharping 5 picks 0

Account, John Easson with Thomas LeCain

Transcript: Annapolis Royal Octor. 3rd. 1787 Sir Pleas to Pay the Barrer 2 Shillings it being for worke Dun by

Account, Captain Lovett with John Easson

Transcript: Capt. Lovett to Jo.n Easson _____ Dr 1765 May 13 To 1 [trip?] of yr flett £ 0..5..0 June 9 T

Promisory note, James Montgomery, Annapolis Royal, in favour of John Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royal 18th July 1757 I promis to pay to Mr. John Easson or his Order the sum of Eighteen

Letter, John Morgan, Granville, to John Easson

Transcript: Granville May 8th 1782 Mr Jno Eson Sir Plees (Please) to Deliver to Mr [Fredrick?] [Sinkler?] one

Account, John Morrison with John & David Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royall Septr. 14th 1774 John Morison to John Easson & David Easson Dr. Decr. 10 1772 T

Account, Henerey Monrow [Henry Munro] with John Easson

Transcript: June 1768 Henerey Monrow to John Easson Dr. To Ballance Due on an old account £ 1=12=6 To 26 pds

Receipt, Mark Clark, Annapolis Royal, to John Easson

Transcript: Anoples [sic] Royal february 21 1784 Resseav.d [sic] of Mr. John Easson Six guines [sic] Seven

Account, John Easson with Joseph Patten

Transcript: granville March 16 1765 Mr. John Easson To Joseph Patten Dr. To Two Writs Coppy [Deed?] &c agains

Letter, Joseph Patten to John Easson

Transcript: Granville July 6 1779. Sir I am hired as executor of the Last will and testiment of John Parsons a

Account, John Easson with Christopher Prince

Transcript: ___ Mr. John Easson in Acct. with Christr. Prince __ Dr. To acct. given in £ 35"10"11¼ " 1 Scyth

Account, John Easson with Christopher Prince

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/38.1 John Easson To Christr. Prince Dr. To one p.d of tea -4- To one p.d to

Promissory note, Philip Richardson, Wilmot, in favour of Henry Munro

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/39 Willmott 30th March 1769 Value I promise to pay Henry Munro Esq.r or [ord]er

Account, John Easson with Andrew Ritchie

Transcript: 1777 Mr. John Easson to Andrew Ritchie Dr June 10 To lent money 2..1

Account, John Easson with Andrew Ritchie

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/40.1 John Easson to Andrew Richie [sic] ____ Dr To 9yds and Half Quarter [

Account, John Easson with Andrew Ritchie

Transcript: 1787 Mr John Easson to Andrew Ritchie Dr Janr.y 12 To Cash paid him -.5.-

Account, John Easson with John Ritchie

Transcript: Mr. John Easson To John Ritchie Dr. 1774 July 26th to Paul Dayan 2.1.10 Augt. 5th " 2 B

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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