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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Account, Widow Eason with George W. Shepherd, Annapolis

Transcript: Widow Eason 1812 To Geo W. Shepherd Dr July 5- To Vis Cathar [Inner?] [bal?]

Account, Alexander Easton with Alexander Burket

Transcript: Mr Alexander Easton To Alex.r Burket Dr 1812 January 2nd To Ballance due to me on a/

Letters of Administration, Estate of David Easson, Yeoman

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 A/197 William Winniett Esqr. Judge of his Majestys Court of Wills and Probates for

Account, Estate of the late John Easson to the Estate of the late David Easson, the Grandson of the said John

Transcript: The Estate of the late John Easson To the Estate of the late David Easson, the Grandson of the sai

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Frederick Buckler

Transcript: Mrs. Elizabeth Easson D To Fredk. Buckler Dr. 1811 Ap. 25 To Ballance due on Settelment__ -

Account, Matthew Ritchie and Elizabeth, his wife, with Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: Mathew Ritchie & his wife To Elizabeth Easson Dr.

Inventory of goods and chattels of late David Easson

Transcript: We the Subscribers being duly sworn to apprais the goods and Chattels of the leate(late) David Easso

Account, the Estate of the Late David Easson with the Administrators of the Estate

Transcript: The Estate of the late David Easson in account_ Current with the Administrators, [left half sid

Letters of Guardianship for the late David Easson's Three Minor Children

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/203 By His Excellency Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, Knight of the Most Honourable O

Letter, H.H. Cogswell, Halifax, to T. Ritchie

Transcript: Secretary's Office Halifax 8th June 1813_ Dear Sir, Inclosed herewith I transmit you the Commis

Easson Account

Transcript: Easson Acc't These accounts are so complicated that it is difficult to understand

Improvements made by David, Thomas and Alexander Easson

Transcript: Improvements made by David, Thomas & Alexander Easson as under - 1799 For clearing & breaking up

Summons to Elizabeth Easson and others

Transcript: MG1 vol 3478 A/207 Halifax [NS?] George the third by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Gr

Decision, Supreme Court, Halifax

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/208 Nova Scotia Sup Court at Halifax } Of the Term of Easter of the year of our

Letter, William G. Bailey to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/209 D.r Sir, I have named Surveyor Harris on your part & the others have nomina

Receipt, Jonathan Robertson, Annapolis

Transcript: Annapolis June 17th 1814__ Mr. David Easson had from me when Building his house twenty Clapbord log

Account, Alexander Easson with John Robertson

Transcript: Annapolis 1st May 1815 Mr. Ale.x Eason Bought of John Robertson One. Third of a wood Lott [Lot]

Letter, Lawrence Sneden, Annapolis, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: Annapolis 16th August 1815 Sir The Supreem [supreme] Cort [court] having apointed [appointed] me t

Account, Alexander Easson with John Robertson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/213 Mr. Alex. Easson To John Robertson

Agreement, Edward Whitman, master of the schooner Adventure to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/214 Rec'd Annapolis 20th Dec'r 1817 of Alex'r Eason on board the schooner Advent

Account, Mrs. Fisher and Alexander Easson, with John FitzRandolph

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/215 Mrs Fisher Dr To Jno L FitzRandolph 1816 For medical & surgica

Indenture, John Robertson, Annapolis, Merchant, and Wife Bethia, to Alexander Easson, Yeoman

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/216 This indenture made the thirty first day of Oct'r in the year our our Lord one

Account, Alexander Easson with the Estate of his Brother David Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 A/217 Feb 7-1812- Received of Mrs Easson the sum of_ £ 2..-.. being in full for the

Indenture, David Easson, Cordwainer, Annapolis, and Ann his wife, to Alexander Easson, Annapolis, Yeoman

Transcript: This Indenture, made the eighth day of October in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred an

Indenture, Thomas Easson, Annapolis, Yeoman, and his Wife Elizabeth, to Alexander Easson, Annapolis, Yeoman

Transcript: This Indenture made the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand, eigh

Indenture, Elizabeth Ritchie, Widow of Matthew Ritchie, to Thomas Easson and Alexander Easson, Annapolis, Yeomen

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/220 Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Ritchie of Annapolis widow in co

Indenture, Thomas Easson and his Wife Elizabeth, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/221 THIS INDENTURE made the tenth day of October in the year of our Lord One Tho

Account, Alexander Easson with I. Corbitt

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/222 Mr. Alexr. Easson To I. Corbitt , Dr. 1825

Letter, John Carter, Saint John, NB, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/223 St. John New Brunswick June 10th 1826 My Dear Eason I can scarcely forgive m

Letter, John Carter to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/224 T Oaks J.J Jessey My dear Eason As I am about to sail for Halifax tomor

Letter, John Carter, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol 3478 A/225 Halifax Oct'r 26th/26 Annapolis Mr Dear Eason You know you are soundly &

Indenture, Frederick Hardwick, Yeoman, and Robert Ritchie, Schoolmaster, to Thomas and Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 A/226 Know all men by these presents that I Mr Frederick Hardwick of Annapolis yeoman

Letter, Thomas Gurly, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/227 Halifax N.S. 13th December 1826 Dear Easson I se

Letter, John Carter to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A228 My Dear Eason I hope you have got safe with the d

Indenture, Elizabeth Easson, Annapolis, Widow, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/229 Know all men by these Presents, that I Elizabeth Eason [sic] of Annapolis in

Receipt, Charles I.C. MacColla to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/230 Rec.d from Mr Alex.r Easson nineteen pounds 9/10 in full of his & Mr. David

Account, Alexander Easson with George Runciman, Annapolis

Transcript: Annapols N. Scotia Mr. Alexr. Eason To Geo. Runciman Dr. 1826 Septr.

Letter, John Carter, London, to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/232 London March 18. 1828 10 Villiers St. Strand My Dear [Sandy?] I am glad

Account, Alexander Easson with I. Corbitt

Transcript: Mr. Alexr. Easson To I. Corbitt, Dr. 1827

Notice of Trial, Supreme Court at Annapolis, June Term 1830

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/234 Supreme Court at Annapolis June Term 1830 Bath et al} vs Easson

Account, Thomas Prior with Joseph Foster

Transcript: Thomas Prior To Joseph Foster Dr. £'' S'' D Due on t

Commission, Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 A/236 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, HALIFAX, 1st MAY, 1832 To Mr. Alexr. Eason

Letter, I. Corbitt to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/237 Dr. Sir, Knowing that Esq. Ritchie understood this Business better than

Invitations to the Bachelor's Ball

Transcript: Bachelors Ball Tuesday Eveng. 1st. January 1833 Managers } Lieut. Wray Mr. Milledge Mr. Mc Le

Release of Dower Rights, Alexander Easson and His Wife Zeruviah, to Sydney Saunders

Transcript: Know all men by these presents that I, Alexander Easson of Annapolis in the county of Annapolis and

Indenture, Sydney Saunders, Yeoman, to John Easson, House-Joiner, and Mary Fisher Easson, Maidenwoman

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/240 THIS INDENTURE made the third day of September in the year of our Lord one thous

Letter, I. Corbett to John Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/241 Dear John, I send you the Release of Dower for your Uncle and Mother to sig

Letter, I. Corbett to John Easson

Transcript: could not help this writing you upon the Subject. - May God make all right, while I remain your very

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