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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Letter, Gabriel Vanhorn

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/147 Sunday July y/e(the) 24 1785 Dear Sir I gladly embrace the oppertunity of

Deed of Conveyance, Thomas Williams, Esq., to David Easson, Gentleman, both of Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Know all Men by these Presents that I Tho Williams Esq of Annapolis Royal in the Province of Nova Sc

Writ served on John and David Easson

Transcript: Annapolis [NS?] George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defe

Account, David Easson with George Lambert, Fredericton

Transcript: Frederickton Octor 29th . . 1785 Mr. David Eason Bought of George Lambert 6yar

Letter, David Easson, Saint Ans, to Major Murray

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/151 Saint Ans Oct'r 29 1785 Maio'r Murray

Letter, David Easson, Saint John, to his father

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/153 Dear father Saint Johns Feb 23 - 86. I have nothing to write particular o

Account, David Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]

Transcript: Mr.. David Easson Dr. to Jos.h Cossins £ S D Annapolis Royal June 9th.. 1779} To. ½Gallon Cyde

Receipt, Hope Mills to John Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royall [sic] April 13th. 1786 Recd. from John Easson full and compleat [sic] payment of

Indenture, Joseph Totten, late of New York, to Hope Mills, late of Jamaica, Long Island

Transcript: This Indenture made the 1st day of May in the year of our Lord 1784 between Joseph Totten late of Ne

Letter, John Althouse, Fisherie Point, to Mr. Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 A/157 Fisherie Point 22 July 1786 Dear Sir I recived your Letter I am very happy t

Letter, Edward Winslow, Fredericton, to David Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol.3487 A/158 Fredericton 22.d July 1786. Mr. Easson I have this day receiv.d a letter f

Letter, John Taylor, Digby, to John Easson

Transcript: Digby 4th Oct'r 1786 [Dr Sir?] Agreeable to your request

Receipt, Andrew Ritchie, Overseer of the Poor, to John Prince

Transcript: Annapolis Royale Sept. 4th 1787 Received from John Prince by the Hand of Messers John & David Eas

Account, David Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]

Transcript: Mr. David Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr. Annapolis £ S D De

Account, John Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/162 Mr. John Easson to Joseph Cossins Dr. 1787 Sep.r 3d. To 1 Gallon Rum by or

Petition, David Easson to the Court of General Sessions, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/163 To the Honourable his Majestys Justices of the Court of General Sessions of

Deed, Ann Cosby, Annapolis Royal, to John Easson

Transcript: Know all men by these Presents that I Ann Cosby of Annapolis Royal in the County of Annapolis and Pr

Letter, David Easson, Annapolis Royal, to George Lambant [Lambert]

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/165 Annapolis Royal June 30th 1788 Mr George Lambant Sir - I send you hear inclo

Account, Captain John Althous with David Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/166 Annapolys Royal June the 30 1788? Cap't John Althous, to D. Easson [Dr?]

Lease, David Easson to Humphrey Chadbourn

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/167 Know all men by these presents that I David Easson of Annapolis and County o

Promissory notes, David Easson in favour of John and Francis Ryarson

Transcript: July 24th. 1790 Rec.d in part of the within Sum thweny[twenty] pounds £20 Annapolys Octr 22

Lease, John Easson, Yeoman, to John Ritchie, both of Annapolis

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 A/169 This indenture made the 14th day of August in the year of our Lord One thousan

Account, John Easson with Peter & G. Totten

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/170 Mr John Easson To Peter & G. Totten Dr 1789

Account, John Easson with Peter & G. Totten

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/171 Mr. John Easson To Peter & G. Totten Dr 17

Inventory, Personal Estate of the Late John Easson, Deceased, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 A/172 Inventory of the Money, Goods, Chattels and Effects belonging to the Eastate

Remarks on the Inventory of the Personal Estate of John Easson, late of Annapolis

Transcript: MG1 Col. 3478 A1173 Remarks on the Inventory of the Personall Estate of John Eason Late of Annapo

Inventory of the Personal Estate of David Easson, Deceased

Transcript: Inventory of the personal estate of David Easson deceased, late of Annapolis in the province of Nova

Account, David Easson, Deceased, with David Braymer

Transcript: Mr. David Easson Deceased To David Braymer Dr. 1788 Octr. 18th To mending pr. Shoes for John

Account, Estate of David Easson, deceased, with Elizabeth Easson [his widow]

Transcript: Estate of David Easson deceased 1789 To Elizabeth Eason Dr. Aug.t 31

Account, Peter Dousett [Doucet] with John Easton

Transcript: Anapolis [sic] June 25th 1790 Duetis[duties] of 1 Punchon o

Request, John Robertson to Mrs. E. Easson

Transcript: please Deliver the Bearer Three Bushels potatoes The Same Kind as I had Last and place to acct of

Receipt, David Brayman, Annapolis Royal, to Mrs. Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: Recd. of Mrs. Elizabeth Easson the sum of three Pounds Seventeen in full of all Demans [Demands] Da

Letter, Thomas Barclay to Mrs. Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/180 Dear Madam - Young Commeau and Robinson are now here with your Son, they d

Account, David Easson with William Easson

Transcript: 1778 Mr David Easson to Wm Easson Dr April 14 to mending a pair of Shoes -1=0

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Thomas Bonthien

Transcript: Mrs. Elizabeth Easson 1791 To Thomas Bonthien Dr April 1st T

Bond, Elizabeth Easson, William Easson, Jr. and David Easson to Hon. James DeLancey, Esq.

Transcript: KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we # # Elizabeth Eason, William Eason Junior and David Eason al

Mortgage Indenture, Elizabeth Easson, William Easson Jr. and Barbara, his wife, and David Easson to Hon. James DeLancey

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 A/184 Be it remembered that on the day of the date of the within Indenture person

Indenture, Elizabeth Easson, Widow, and David Easson, Yeoman, to Henry Harris, Clements, Carpenter, and Nathaniel Morgan, Ann

Transcript: MG1VOL.3478 A/185 This indenture made the first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand e

Receipt, Robert Dickson to Mrs. Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/186 Rec.d Annapolis 9th. Jan.y 1802 of Mrs. Eason for Col Delancey the Sum of

Letter, H.H. Cogswell, Halifax, to John Lunn

Transcript: Halifax 28th February 1803 Mr. John Lunn You will oblige me by calling on Mr David Easson

Expenses incurred during construction of Alexander Easson's house at Lequillle

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 A/188 An ACount for the house from walker 1799 June 18 To 64 feet of boards " 4 " [

Receipt, Ichabod Corbitt to Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: Received of Mrs. Elizabeth Easson the Sum of twelve shillings & nine pence in full of all Demands fr

Bond, David Eason and Thomas Ritchie to the King

Transcript: Know all men by these presents that we David Eason and Thomas Ritchie - are held and firmly bound to

Receipt, Alexander Burket, Overseer of the Poor, to Alexander Easton, Collector of Poor Rates

Transcript: Annapolis June 24th 1809 Received of Mr Alexander Easton (Collector of Poor Rates) the Sum of Eight

Account, Alexander Easson with the Estate of Thomas Walker

Transcript: Mr Alexander Easson 1810 To the Estate of Thos Walker Dr Apl 14th for 1 Bk Silk Hdkf "7"6 19 -"-

Account, Alexander Burket with Mr. Easton, for Saw Mill Expenses

Transcript: Saw Mill To Alexander Burket Dr. 1809 November 18th { To 250 Bricks and Halling_ -10-" {

Receipt, John L. FitzRandolph to Alexander Easson

Transcript: Received Annapolis June 17th 1812 of Mr Alex Easson one pound fifteen shillings in full to this date

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