Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Letter, Marshall Lefferts to Jesse Hoyt
Transcript: MGI vol.2166 #96 11 February 1865 Engineers Office American Telegraph Company 145 Broadway
Letter, Marshall Lefferts, President, Acadia Coal Company, New York, to Board of Directors
Transcript: MG1 Vol.2166 #97 9 March 1866 Office-Acadia Coal Company 145 Broadway, New York March 9th 1866
Promissory note, James A. Hoyt, Stellarton, in favour of Jesse Hoyt
Transcript: Stellarton Co. Pictou Nova Scotia 4th January 1871 $250.00 On demand for value received I promise
Transcript: MG1 M.2166 #99 14 January 1871 This Indenture made this fourteenth day of January in the year of
Indenture, Trustees of Pictou Academy to Jesse Hoyt
Transcript: Trustees of Pictou Academy to Jesse Hoyt -1871 Beginning at an Iron Stake marked ACC on the northe
Indenture, Jesse Hoyt and Clara Jane Hoyt, to the Nova Scotia Coal Company
Transcript: 1871 Jesses Hoyt } to the Nova Scotia Coal Co Clara x Jane Hoyt } Beginning at an Iron stake ma
Promissory note, James A. Hoyt, Halifax, in favour of Jesse Hoyt
Transcript: MG100 Vol.2166 #102 $300.00 Halifax NS 28 Mar 1873 On demand for Value received I promise t
Operations to establish a Meridian at Stellar Grove, Pictou County, NS
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 2166 H/103 30 July 1877 Operations to establish a Meridian at Stellar Grove Pic
Certificate of Marriage, Ingles Johnston [sic] and Clara Cogswell Hoyt
Transcript: Trinity Parish, New-York Certificate of Marriage In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
Memorial, David Easson to Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Thomas Carleton
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 2166 H/105 [Sir?] That your Memorialist hath during the whole course of the late Rebelli
Letter, John Easson to his brother, David Easson
Transcript: he lives about seven miles from me, I saw him a few days ago, he is in the same predicament with m
Letter, William Easson, Jamaica, to his father, John Easson
Transcript: MGI Vol.2166 #107 Till the youngest son is of age who is learning the Trade - The Second son Ch
Letter, William Easson, Jamaica, to his brother, David
Transcript: not to be so happy pray let me at all events hear from you & let me know particularly how he is in
Documents relating to the disappearance of Inglis Johnstone
Transcript: SHOP OFFICIAL MISSING Brooklyn Man, 70, Has Been Gone Since February 7. Ingles Johnstone, 70 years
Documents relating to the disappearance of Inglis Johnstone
Transcript: BRANCH. M P B CASE No. 2699 DATE______ THE POLICE COMMISSIONER DEAR SIR: Name Inglis Johnston
Documents relating to the disappearance of Inglis Johnstone
Transcript: Mrs. Catherine Burroughs, 181 E. 70th Street, New York City. Dear Madam: As per our telephone
Documents relating to the disappearance of Inglis Johnstone
Transcript: Canadian Ingersoll-Rand Company LIMITED 10 PHILLIPS SQUARE MONTREAL, QUE. March 9th 1933. Mrs.
Partial letter, Bank of Nova Scotia, Halifax, to Inglis Johnstone, New York
Transcript: MGI vol 2166 #110.1 [note right side of page missing] Bank of Nova S Halifax Dear Mr Johnsto
Minutes and resolutions, Board of Directors of the Acadia Coal Company
Transcript: MG1 Vol 2166 #110.2 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Acadia Coal Company, held on t
Transcript: MG1 Vol 2166 H110.3 [top right corner] PRESIDENT'S REPORT For Year ending December 31st, 1867.
Complimentary, No. 543. The Western Union Telegraph Co.
Transcript: Well dearest Christmas is over and I for one am glad. It was not feighted with many pleasures for us
Transcript: Dear Ella As I am sitting here alone in my room So many things come to me & I do not know if dear
Swiss American Laundry, Inc., New York
Transcript: MG1 Vol 2166#110.7 [top left corner] FRENCH CLEANING & DYEING [top left] ESTABLISHED 1910 [top r
This Plantation which is called by the name Larbador's Plain
Transcript: Map of the Plantation Larbador's Plain [description on bottom pf page] This Plantation which is
Transcript: The plan of Laverdor's Land [text written on the plan] this krick runs in to the river the [river
A Map of 15 Lots of Land near the Cape in Township of Annapolis ...
Transcript: track being part of No. 7 in the line of and belonging to the Heirs of Easman deceased then
Plan of Lands at Annapolis belonging to Heirs of the late John Easson
Transcript: [vertically down right ride of page] N.6º. W to the place of Beginning Land granted to Coll. Jonat
Ross' Plan Pictou Academy Land
Transcript: Beginning at an Iron stake marked A.C.C. on the Southerly line of lands of Robert Oliver and at or n
Transcript: 60 48 36 24 12 0 Scale 12 chains to 1 inch courses given are the original courses variation in 18
Plan of Lands at Westville, NS
Transcript: [numerals and text on the sketched map] 670 313 330 / 663 165 / 828 N48.25 W 39'69 2420 ft Po
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