Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Account Current with Statement of disposable funds for 1836

1835. — 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

The Province of Nova Scotia
To Commissioners of Sable Island Dr
Jany1 Jasd G N Russell, J N Shannon + J Starr Arbitrating Salvage No Dr
in the case Brig Tantiry + Cargo. ..........} 1. 3. -- --
Feby 5 " Deblois + Mitchell accd for Great Coats........... 2. 21. 9. 6
Mar. 4 ". ditto for Bread Beef + Pork............. 3. 8. 5. 5
C H Belcher for Chart Nova Scotia + Bay Fundy 15.-
a pair dividers 1/ Moors Navigations 17/6......... 18.
Gasper Roach for Groceries 40/10 T+L Pais a quadrant 7 of. 5.10..10 4. 7. 4. 4
E Duckett and pd Seamans Wages [Joh + M Wallace ....... 5 10. -- 6
31 E Wallace for Superintendants + Mens Wages to date.... 6 76.15.--
May 12 Jas Williams Seaman balanced Wages....... 7. 4. -- --
13 Chas Sharp .... do.... do..... 8 4.-- --
23 Gasper Roast [Roach?] Provisions pd acct..... 9 77.18.11
25 J.D. Starr Chain Cables Nails etc...... 10 13.14. 3.
June 5 Ges. Coleman for a Boat ... Oars etc..... 11 15. 2. -
14 Martin Shaffer wages to 14 June..... 12 6. 3. 4
23 Sydney Barrington do..." 16 June .......... 13 3.15.--
Barrack department for Blankets and Rugs ..... 14 5.-
July 2 W A Black + Son Flour meal etc........ 15 19.17.6
3 E Wallace for Superintendants + Mens wages to 30 June 16. 80.10
J Darby for SpyGlass & Sch M Wallace.... 17 4 10 9
T Conners for Cask + packg Blankets and Rugs.... 18 1. 6. 3
J L Starr for half proceeds Brig James Aulbouy.... 19. 16. 5.5¼
Augt 4 B. Zwicker wages to 29th July........ 20 2. 2 --
6 D+E Starr accd for Bread....... 21 12. 16. 3
10 WA Black + Son Flour Sugar etc.... 22 32.11.6½
Hannay + Co Flour Beans + Peas £436.7.11/s..... 23 10.9.11½
Sept 22 J Fabre + Others for Labor (Ship Eagle)...... 7.2.6 24 11.9
23 E Duckett for sundry demands on the Island 33.4.4/- 25 29.11
24 W McGregor 10 days Work...... 1.10... 26
Jas Smith Seaman 10 days ditto.....1.10 27
H C. Pridham for opium, Satts etc.................. 28. 2. 17.6
Rd. Marshall Sundry Provisions..... 88.13.3/- 29
J S Starr for 12 half bbls Pork..... 23.8- 30
26 D Kelly 14 days wages as Pilot to Island + bk.... 8.11- 31
Oct. 1 E Wallace for Superintendants + Mens Wages to 30th Sept 32x 80
W K Reynolds fora Bull.... 33. 6
A McDonald freight to Island + bk..... 40.7.3 34 40.--
6 Mc Tobin A Side Saddle ...... 35 2. 10.-
Carrd forward..... £204.5.5 £ 609.5.5¼

Details expenses, including supplies and employee wages

4 pages 30 x 48 cm

Date: 1835

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 830

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.