Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Account Current for the Commissioners with the Province of Nova Scotia, from January to November

1835. — 3 pages : 30 x 19 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

1835 Brot Forwd ...........................................351. 15. 9
July. 3. To p I. Danby for Spy Glass for Sh. McWallace.................4. 10. 9.
T Conners Cask + packg. Blankats + Rugs...............1. 6. 3.
9... I L Starr for half proceids Bg. In. Albany........................16. 5. 5 /-
Aug. 4...B Zwicker Wages to 29 July..............................................2. 2. -
6...D H Starr accot. for Bread................................................12. 11. 3.
W. A. Black + Son , Flour Sugar +c..................................32. 11. 6/-
Hannay + Co. Flour Beans + Peas...................................10. 9. 11/-
Sept .22. I Fahie [illeg.] for Labour.................................................11. 9 -
23. E. Duckatt for Sundry demands......................................29. 11 -
H. C Prudham. Opium Salts +c........................................2. 17. 6
Oct 1. E Wallace Super intendants + Men's Wages to 30 Sept. 80 - -
W H Reynolds for a Bull...........................................................6.
A Mc Donald freight to Isld + back..........................................40 - -
W. Tobin A Side Saddle............................................................2. 10 -
T. H [Pins?] for a Union Jack....................................................4 - -
[Illegible] + Crow Tin Ware.......................................................4. 5. 6
Thos Sutton. for Saddles + Bridles..........................................13. 4 -
Nov. 9..D Sutherland 2 pair Wheels...................................................6 - -
Ias Smith 59 days Wages.....................................................14 15 -
H 6 -
Amos Pedlar Ironing 2 pair Wheels.........................................3. 10 -
Carrd Forwd...................£664.5.11/-

1835 Brot forwd.......................£664.5.11/-
Nov 9 Topd H D Starr . 2 Waggon Pipes +c..................................6. 11. 2
" W Black + Son Sundries [ illegible]..............................18. 18 3
J W Chamberlain a Cooking Stove...............................8 - -
24..J. Howe expencis messenger to Country Harbour.............2. 12 /-
Deblois + Mitchell for 10 Guns............................................7 - -
W. M Allan for Bridle + Saddle.............................................3. 15 -
J H Tidmarsh for Sundries....................................................5. 8 -
31 E Wallace for Superintendants + Mens Wages
to@ate.....77. 10 -
794. 0. 10/-
Commissions.......................@5pce 39. 14 -
£833 14 10/-

Memo...Orders on the Comm. for Labour was draon
by M Tidmarsh at Sable Island [illegible].
Several Persons [illegible] to £19.15 which
orders has not come forward.......
Expenditure Year 1832......................................................1320.18.4
1833....................................................... 904.2.8
1834....................................................... 849 9.9
1835....................................................... 833 .14.10/-

Details of profits and expenses of the Establishment, including supplies purchased, items salvaged and employees paid.

3 pages 30 x 19 cm

Date: 1835

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 823

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.