Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Joseph Darby's letter to the Commissioners for the Affairs of Sable Island regarding the loss of the brig Floyd

12 November 1832. — 4 pages : 30 x 37 cm.

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included, Provided we have no large Crews of Strangers remaining on the Island for any length of Time

We have raised about four hundred bushels of Potatoes, but in consequence of the Season being so backward, they are nearly half small, but which I will [expend?] to fatten our Pigs,

I send you Three Casks of Cranberries, Two of which filled with water are pretty good, we have picked them up one by one all over the Island, the other is very Poor, they have been taken up Just as they Growed, merely to show you the State of them, as I think we would [hardly? handily?] gather another barrel of good Ones, all over the Island,

We had Two good Bulls here this Summer but one of them in Fighting got hurted and has lingered and Died, the other has hurted himself and is quite useless and we have nothing left, but Two small Bulls of one year Old, and should an opportunity offer it would be absolutely Nessecary to have a Good Bull,

I send you also the Eigth Number of the

4 pages 30 x 37 cm

Date: 12 November 1832

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 547

Nova Scotia Archives —

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