Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Joseph Darby letter to the Commissioners for the Affairs of Sable Island (William Lawson, Edward Wallace, Edward Cunard)

17 May 1832. — 2 pages : 30 x 49 cm.

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Halifax, May 17th 1832


On Receiving the account current, against the Schooner Shelborne Packet, for the year ending, November 1831 - I find a Change of Fifteen Pounds, for the Premium of Insurance on the Vessel for one Trip to Sable island, in the November 1830 which is a Sum that I never expected to have to pay, as Mr. Edward Wallace told me By I believe the Direction of his Father, the then Commissioner, that they would Pay the insurance on that Trip as it was undertaken at a late Season of the year, for the purpose of sending me down to the Island, and for the vessel to return under another Master, for which Risk the underwritten charged a Premium of 10 percent, Hoping Gentlemen, you will take this into Consideration, and withdraw the Charge from me as the whole of the Service of the Vessel will be lost to me by its being Swallowed up in expenses, and Mr. Edward Wallace will be able to Testify to the Fact.

I Remain Gentlemen
Your ever Faithful and Obedient Servant
Joseph Darby

To the Gentlemen Commissioners for the affairs of Sable Island


Letter discusses insurance charges on the Shelburne Packet.

2 pages 30 x 49 cm

Date: 17 May 1832

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 511

Nova Scotia Archives —

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