Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Account of sales of oil and skins at Auction by Bowie & Deblois for Order of Commissioners of Sable Island

3 June 1819. — 2 pages : 30 x 38 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Sales of Oil & Skins by Bowie & Deblois per Order of Commissioners of Sable Island.

Halifax 3 June 1819

/ Cask Seal Oil 63 Gals 3/1 1/12 John Stayner 11. 3. 1 ½
/ do[ditto] do 64 " 3/6 W & E Wallace 11. 4 ---
/ do do 63.2 = 61 " 3/4 Geo Craigen 10. 3. 4
/ do do 63.4 = 59 " 3/3 Will'm Stairz 9. 11. 9
/ do do 64.2 = 62 " " Math'w Richardson 10. 1. 6
/ do do 64.2 = 62 " " John Tremain 10. 1. 6
/ do do 63 " " Will'm Stairz 10. 4. 9
/ do do 62.2 = 60 " " Geo Craigen 9. 15. ---
/ do do 63.4 = 59 " " John Stayner 9. 11. 9
/ do Whale 62.3
251.10 = 241. ----- 20 Will'm Stairz 20. 1. 8
109 Seal Skins 2/1 John Stayner 11. 7. 1
2 do do large 5/6 Walker .. 11..
£ 123. 16. 5 ½
Commission 3 perCent 3. 14. 3 ½
Advertising & Handbills . 17. 6 4. 11. 9 ½
£ 119. 4. 8
Errors Excepted
3 July 1819
Bowie & Deblois
Mr Wm Mitchell

2 pages 30 x 38 cm

Date: 3 June 1819

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 269

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.