Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from Edward Hodgson regarding his family's winter on Sable Island, including status of supplies

25 May 1819. — 2 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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Sable Island May 25th, 1819
Dear Sir
We have just received your
generous supply of provisions in good order
& as we have had no more than our own
family all winter, it has just come in time
to meet our wants, we have had a very
fair winter and no wrecks, the stock of
cattle are well, except one young ox we
lost last winter, we have got our crop
of potatoes in the ground, and are getting
on with our gardens of small stuff.
I have sent you inclosed, a list of the proceeds
of our winter's work.
We are very much in want of some inch
lumber & boat boards & would be much oblgd
to you to send us some by the next opportunity
you will send us some oil, casks, and as wood
is very scarce on the Island we shall not be
able to make out next winter without a small
supply, & if you could oblige us with a few
pounds of leaf tobacco for to kill the vermin
on the cattle -- we are very much in want
of some tar, for the us of the boats --
I could wish you would send us a cask of
beans & one of peas as they are a fine

2 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 25 May 1819

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 268

Nova Scotia Archives —

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