Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from M.D. McKenna to the Honorable Hugh Bell, Chairman of the Board of Works

1854. — 2 pages : 30 x 38 cm.

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Sable Island 30th June 1854

Dear Sir

By the Daring yesterday I received yours of the 26th and have now to inform you that the Schooner "Estrella" of Oporto from Lisbon for Halifax with a cargo of Salt, Corks, and Corkwood was totally lost on the NE bar of this Island the night before last. Crew saved, and now go off in the Daring. I am very much hurried and beg to refer you to Cap.n Daly for all particulars. If it is necessary to sell the "Estrella", she lies about two miles East of the dry point of the NE bar, a total wreck, with all her materials, I suppose, hanging to her / and you may venture to give £5 for the wreck and cargo. I now ship four oxen per Daring but no horses. In fact we are too light handed and too busy to ship horses, yet if they are very much wanted I will do the best I can towards sending some by Daring next trip. We have a Barn frame raised at the South side station but if I don't get some more help I cannot get the work done in proper season. Please send a Mason by next opportunity. I regret very much to say that Dr Gilpin cannot yet leave the Island nor can I say when it is even probable that he can, therefore I must trust to circumstances for a passage for him. Arch.d McIsaac goes off now and wishes to return again, and if he secures his health and strength I am willing that he should do so.

In haste
Your Obedient Servant
M.D. McKenna

[address at lower left]
Hon Hugh Bell
Chairman Board of Works

2 pages 30 x 38 cm

Date: 1854

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426.5 number 11d

Nova Scotia Archives —

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