Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from M.D. McKenna to the Honorable H. Bell, Chairman of the Board of Works

1853. — 2 pages : 30 x 37 cm.

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Sable Island 27th May 1853
The Daring arrived here on the 25th and is just now leaving with the last of the "Ottomans" cargo that is worth shipping. The things sent on were all landed in good order. I am very much hurried and cannot write you as fully as I wish to do. I enclose a list of things sent off. Also a list of what I think should be allowed as "wreck money" since the formation of the Board of Works. Please allow Farquahar £4 for clothes attendance [do do?] to the crew of "Marie Anne" and if you have no objection, send it to him in cash by [Capt Daly?].
I have distributed 11 of the 14 Bibles you sent me among the people and thank you kindly for them.
I am glad there is a probably of the people getting something to help them over their losses by the fire, but beware of imposition. I have asked for Farquhar's reward to be sent in cash because greedy creditors are grabbing at his wages faster than they are paid.
In great haste
Your Obt Servant
M. D. McKenna
Hon H. Bell
Chairman Board of Works

2 pages 30 x 37 cm

Date: 1853

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426.5 number 4k

Nova Scotia Archives —

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