Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from M.D. McKenna to H. Bell, Chairman of the Board of Works

1853. — 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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all that I can to replace the building with as little expense as possible.
May 2nd. The Daring arrived here yesterday at noon with the wind blowing strong from NW we boarded her from the South side but could not bring anything on shore, the wind still blows strong from NW and the vesel is under sails off the south side as soon as it moderates we will attend upon her.
We are getting on with the store. The roof and one end is shingled and both sides of the walls are partly done. Brady, the carpenter, has consented to stay his year out and I like the appearance of Himmelman and will keep him on all I want at present is a Blacksmith and if you cannot get such as we wish we must take what can be had perhaps one could be had for six months if for no longer. As soon as I get the Daring dispatched I will make the best arrangement I can with those families who are so very anxious to remain on the Island. In consideration of their late misfortune I suppose I must be somewhat easy with them.
I beg strongly to recommend that we proceed at once to replace the house that has been burned and if you will forward me the materials now asked for I will put up a much better building than the one destroyed without any more help than I now have and a blacksmith and a mason the latter for a short time only unless we should have much wreck work to do through the summer.
I shall write you a few lines after I get the Daring loaded and am
Your Obedient Servant
M.D. McKenna
Sable Island
Hans H Bell
Chaiman Board of Works
1853 [written along left side]

4 pages 30 x 48 cm

Date: 1853

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426.5 number 4e

Nova Scotia Archives —

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