Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Catalogue of contents related to Sable Island

. — 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

No. 22 Agreement with G. M. Jackson to build Boats for Sable Island Aug 8, 1857
[line of writing crossed out]
23 Required for Sable Island one or two Boats (or more if requid.) with account
of expens, addressed by W. Thom Chairman of Board of Works to Mr. James
Finlay July 27, 1857.
24 Six letters from Mr. Dodd to Mr. Thom Chief Commr. dated Sable Island
Jany. 1 1858 to 6 July 1858.
25. Letter from Mr. Chaudier Store keeper Dockyards to Mr. Thorn respecting a
Buoy to be brought from Sable Island dated Halifax 14 May 1858.
26. "Copy of Memo: handed to John Campbell in Octr. 1858 in reference to
conveyance, parties to and from Sable Island" "Natural Minerals"
27. Letter from Blais ddl & Crane, Boston Dec 5. 1858. respecting a wreck at the
Island - Brig Alma -

28. Mr. MacKinna s Journals kept at Sable Island while Superintendent there
from. 1 April 1853 to 1 Octr. 1853~ (3)
29. From 1 Apr 1854 to 1 Decr 1854 (3)

30. From 1 Jany 1855 to 30 March 1855 (1)

31. [one and a half lines crossed out]
Mr. McKinnas Journal continued from 1 Apl 1855 to Sep. 5. 1855 (3)
32 A Statement of the property at Sable Island Sep 5. 1855 signed by M. D.
McKinna Superintendent

4 pages 30 x 48 cm

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426.5

Nova Scotia Archives —

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