Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Catalogue of contents related to Sable Island

. — 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Number 14. Memorandum of Clothing sent to Sable Island per Revenue Schr. Daring
8 Dec 1854.
15. Seven letters from M. D. MacKinna, Superintendent at Sable Island to
Chief Commr. Bell from 6 Decr 1854 to 23 Apl. 1855 with papers
16. 2 Letters from Marshall Lefferty to Mr. Bell dated N. York 21 Apl 1855.
Respecting Life Boat etc.
17. Eight letters from Mr. MacKinna to Commr. of Works Dated Sable
Island 7 May to 13 Aug 1855.
18 Two letters from Mr. Lafferty of N York 5" & 30 June 1855 to Mr. Bell
Chief Commr respecting property saved & from Schr. Albatros.
19 Copy of Letter from the Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Society of
London addressed to Miss Dix dated August 8, 1855. relative to the
services of Capt. MacKinna at Sable Island in saving the lives of the
crew & passengers of the Arcadia and other vessels wrecked on the
Island informing her that a Gold Medal had been awarded to Capt
20. Seventeen Letters from Philip Dodd the Superintendent at Sable Island
to Mr. Bell Chief Commr. of Board of Works from Nov 16, 1855 to
Jany. 14 1857. - additional letter May 2, 1857
21 Copy of Letter from Isaiah Gifford, Provincetown, Massachusetts
respecting the wreck of the vessels Milo and Hargrave - dated
Feby 28. 1857 __ with Letter from Mr. Dodd.

4 pages 30 x 48 cm

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426.5

Nova Scotia Archives —

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