Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Catalogue of contents related to Sable Island

. — 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

vol 426½
Catalogue of Contents.

No 1 Account sales of Sable Island ponies July 16. 1845.
2. Account of the Commissioners of Sable Island with the Government of Nova
Scotia for the year 1845
3 Agreement with John Brady for work at Sable Island, Nov. 1852.
4. Fifteen Letters from Mr. M. D. MacKinna superintendent of Sable Island to the
Hon: H. Bill Chief Commd. of Board of Works relating to the affairs of the
Island from 28 January 1853 to 28 July 1853. with some papers attached.
5. Account of Supplies required for Sable Islands Augt. 1853.
6. A list of persons receiving pay on the Island 27 August 1853
7. Ten Letters from M D MacKinna to Chairman and Chief Commr. of Board of
Works for 17' Augt to Dec. 16. 1853 -
8. Letter from R. B Forbes dated Boston 2 Dec 1853 - Respecting Life Boat for
Island -
9. Letter E. B. Moody Yarmouth Feby 25 1854 . Respecting articles intended for
Sable Island.
10 From E.B. Moody Yarmouth March 10. 1854. Respecting the Articles preserved
from Brig Eleanora presented by Miss Dix.
11. Nine Letters from M. D. MacKinna to Chief Commd. H. Bell, dated from Sable
Island from 27 March to 26 October 1854.
12. Three Letters with papers from Marshall Lafferty N York Date 1854. relating &
Loss of schooner Wave, Miss Dix affairs in favor of the Establishment at the
Island with other papers attached
13. Memorandum of Articles received from N.York for Sable Island by Schooner
Wave. Nov. 21. 1854

4 pages 30 x 48 cm

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426.5

Nova Scotia Archives —

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