Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from P.S. Dodd Esq. to the Chairman of the Board of Works

1857. — 4 pages : 30 x 38 cm.

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can be recommended as I cannot fancy any place that requires good men, more than Sable Island and also as we have but three houses at the principal station, one for the Superintendant one for the men and one built expressly for ship wrecked persons I think it would be advisable not to allow men to bring their wives and families as they are obliged to occupy the house intended for sailors and in case of a wreck they would be forced to remove to the mens house which is but a small building and not more than sufficient for themselves. Another stronger and more serious objection to women being sent to the Island, is the absence of a medical man. Mrs D. Young the person who now leaves [illegible: has? us?] lost one of her children this spring and another last month with nearly her own life. I respectfully submit these remarks for your consideration.

With reference to the shipping of horses mentioned in your letter I beg to state, that it would be difficult at present to muster a cargo without shipping many of the young mares, which I think would interfere materially with the improvement of the breed on the Island as most of the old mares are evidently failing. I had a difficulty last year, to collect the few I sent off, in consequence of so many shipped just before I came to the Island. We have some very fine last year and this spring colts which if left until next
season would be worth shipping, but you of course will judge best what should be done. It would

4 pages 30 x 38 cm

Date: 1857

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 90

Nova Scotia Archives —

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