Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from P.S. Dodd Esq. to the Chairman of the Board of Works

1857. — 4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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Sable Island Sep.r 14th 1857


As there is often a difficulty or detention of the vessel in landing freight on the Island after September I enclose a list of articles required for the winter, also a Box containing bottles from the Medicine Chest which require replenishing, two barrels of Skins two of Wood and one of Seal oils, also two Life Belts to be repaired, and acknowledge the receipt of the Articles mention in the Memorandum sent.

I also beg to call your attention to the necessity of having a Boat crew of Five good hands at all times, at the principal station, heretofore when a crew has been required I have been obliged to take either the man in charge of the Cattle or a Teamster to make up the number. Fortunately, they when called on were efficient but it may probably happen hereafter that those who fill such places may not have a sufficient knowledge of a Boat to be taken as part of the crew in cases of difficulty. I mentioned this to the late Chairman of the Board, but was told, that when the Blacksmith and Keeper of the South Side Station were sent, I would then have one man more than the number allowed for the Island, but he could not have been aware or must have forgotten, that

4 pages 30 x 39 cm

Date: 1857

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 90

Nova Scotia Archives —

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