Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Copy of a manifest of part of cargo shipped on board of the Brig Eleanor for Sable Island

1853. — 4 pages : 30 x 49 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

83 [encircled]
Manifest of Part of Cargo Shipped by Mifs
D.S.Dix on board
the Brig Eleanor whereof
Nicholson - is Master for Halifax, N.S.
New York, Decr 28th, 1853.
One Francis' Metallic Surf Boat, named "Grace Darling" and eight oars [in pencil] Total Wreck
One Francis' Metallic Surf Boat, named "Reliance" and eight oars [in pencil: Greatly injured]
One Francis' Metallic Life Car, named "Rescue" [in pencil: saved [illegible]]
One Francis' Metallic Life Boat, named "Samaritan", and six oars [in pencil: Very little damaged]
Two wagons and four sets of Harnesses; the harnesses contained in two bales.
M. [checkmark] 1 Box containing one mortar and bed
" 2 Boxes containing Balls &c
DLD 2 [cross out and replace with 1] Cases containing Stove and fixtures
Sable Island 1 @3 Coils Manilla Cordage
4. 2.Coils White Line
5. One Case containing Sundries
1. 180 Fms. 5 in. Manilla Hawser
2&3. 2 Coils 2 1/2 in. Rope
4. 1 coil 3 3/4 in. Rope
5. 2 Coils 12n P White Line ea. 90 Fms.
2. 8 in. Double blocks with Bail Straps ea. one Fm.
2 Copper Lanterns
1 Ball Lamp Wick
1 Trumpet
6. 1 Gall. Lamp Oil and Can

4 pages 30 x 49 cm

Date: 1853

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 83

Nova Scotia Archives —

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