Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter to His Excellency Sir John Gaspard Marchaud in respect to boats

1853. — 4 pages : 30 x 38 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

82 [encircled]
His Excellency
Sir John Gaspard LeMarchaud,
&c &c

Yr Excellency - I have the satisfaction of presenting through you as the civil head of the Govt of Nova Scotia, and its dependencies, a well assorted library for mariners, and for the seamen stationed on Sable Isd. Of the several hundred Vols with maps and engravings already forwarded two months since,

4 pages 30 x 38 cm

Date: 1853

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 82

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.