Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter to the Honorable Hugh Bell, chairman of the Board of Works

1854. — 2 pages : 30 x 38 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Sable Island 14th June 1854

Dear Sir

The "Williams" is now ready to leave and the "Alice" arrived this morning. If possible I will dispatch the latter tomorrow night. We have a very heavy and a very dirty job. I think that the vessel and remainder of Cargo should be sold immediately after the arrival of the "Alice" at Halifax. I am sorry to say that Dr Gilpin cannot leave the Island yet. If the Daring can be here about the 25th it is likely he can come then, and I will ship the oxen &c at the same time. Please send [underlined: two men] by return Daring. I am Sir

Your obedient Servant
M.D. McKenna

[address at lower left]
Hon Hugh Bell
Chairman Board of Works

Shipped per Sch.r Williams Cap.n Urquart 14th June 1854
74 Bales Rags by my acct, or 68 Bales by Cap.n Urquarts
110 Bags Sumac
A quantity of corkwood
[signature] M.D. McKenna

Please excuse bad writing for I am on board the "Williams" and my hands are so sore that I can scarcely hold the pen.
[iniitals] M D McK

2 pages 30 x 38 cm

Date: 1854

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 79

Nova Scotia Archives —

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