Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter to the Honorable Hugh Bell, chairman of the Board of Works

1855. — 3 pages : 30 x 37 cm.

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at the house of refuge. Several of the barrels of Flour and Meal are broken and heads out and the corn is completely soaked first in salt water and then with rain.

I went to the Eastern Station on the night of the 19th as soon as I got the report of the vessel being ashore and our men and teams followed me the next morning, and we did not get done with the wreck and back again to our homes until the night of the 9th February. The Brigs crew worked with us at the wreck and I shall give them an order on you for their pay.

The terrific gale on the 19th January damaged the "Masconnomet" past repairs, she has since broken up and a great part of her has gone adrift, and we have lost the anchor and part of the chain by which she was fastened to the beach.

The "Nisibis" was 152 tons, 5 years old, was built in Cape Breton, was Iron fastened, and a crew of 10 men in all.

I am, Your Obedient Servant.
[signature] M.D. McKenna

[address at bottom left]
To the Hon. Hugh Bell
Chairman Board of Works

3 pages 30 x 37 cm

Date: 1855

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 78

Nova Scotia Archives —

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