Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Memorandum respecting both public buildings and the schooner Daring

1854. — 3 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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The Board of Works would respectfully submit to the consideration of the Committee of Public Accounts that an expenditure to a considerable amount was incurred, and required by those connected with both branches of the Legislature, in consequence of the Exhibition held in Halifax the last season to which persons from all parts of the Province resorted. It was therefore deemed necessary and proper to have the Public Rooms in the Province Building cleared of encumbrances and put in respectable condition, by painting, providing new carpets &c, which indeed several of the Rooms required whether the Exhibition had taken place or not. This forming no part of the Estimate for the necessary repairs of the Building, should not, it is submitted be deemed a part of the expenditure of that Estimate, but rather of the ordinary annual expences. Independantly of this there will be a considerable balance of the Grant ^recommended last Session to complete the repairs required.

Another subject to which the Board beg leave to request the attention of the Committee, is, respecting the Schooner Daring. The Report of the Board has stated that she is unfit for service. As the earnings of the Schooner, and the returns from Sable Island will leave upwards of £700 undrawn from the funds for the support of that Establishment— and as more than one half of the Grant for the protection of the Fisheries is unexpended, might not, it

3 pages 30 x 48 cm

Date: 1854

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 77

Nova Scotia Archives —

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