Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Copy of letter from Captain Darby to Commissioners of Sable Island

1836. — 4 pages : 30 x 49 cm.

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him to be put in Irons to preserve the public peace, he is one of those that was heard to threaten to break open the provisions store if any one would join him the other fellow, that was drunk I shut him up in a Cellar which he broke the door of, and threatened and abused the Men that put him in I then ordered him to be put in Irons, and locked up separate from the Mate, and we had to keep watch all night with loaded guns, the next morning I sent them on board the Brig, and at the request of the Master, I sent on board a pair of hand cuffs for to put on the Mate, should he deem it necessary in the afternoon I sent off two other seamen and one passenger that had been stealing out of the House, of which Mr. Brewer can inform you.

Enclosed also is a list of the persons victualled from the Island taken from the Messbook from the date of the loss of the Lancaster to the present date inclusive which I have got them to sign, with marks and explanations on it some of the passengers showed symptoms of scurvy, and to such I have given two pounds of Flour per day in lieu of meat, with vegetables, molasses, tea, oatmeal + medicines, and I am sorry to say that they have not only killed every rabbit they could find above ground, but have dug up their burrows and destroyed both old and young, and notwithstanding I particularly requested Garrick the Mate not to destroy their nests I had the next day to go after him with four men, and drive him and his gang away from their nests, and take away a dog from them and lock him up.

There is a Box directed to Doctor Power, New York which I opened here and found it to be clothing in a west state, I dried them and packed them up again

4 pages 30 x 49 cm

Date: 1836

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 53

Nova Scotia Archives —

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