Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from Stephen Binney to the Governor in regards to Captain Darby

1836. — 4 pages : 30 x 49 cm.

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appointed by Your Excellency for the purpose. This difficulty lies in the way of a full and satisfactory investigation. The Crew and Passengers have become dissatisfied with the delay which has already occurred, and some of the principal in whose evidence I placed most reliance for a vindication of my conduct, have come to me today, and stated that they intend to leave the place in the course of tomorrow. I have neither power to detain them, nor is there any course open by which I can record their evidence in legal form for after reference. If Mr Darby be sent for and these parties be absent, it is obvious that the investigation must fail for want of proof. An enquiry so conducted would neither afford public satisfaction, nor efficiently protect the rights of the Public, if the have been violated as these complainants assert. I beg therefore earnestly but respectfully to solicit that Your Excellency will either appoint some competent and impartial tribunal before whom these witnesses may be examined, and their evidence reduced to writing — of if this course be inexpedient, that Your Excellency may direct some person to assist Mr Young in behalf of the Government in preparing the additional Affidavits which

Charges against Captain Darby. Endorsed by Sir Colin Campbell. "The Governor desires that copies of the affidavit taken regarding Sable Island be sent immediately to the Commission that they may inquire into the statements therein contained (---) M. Darby and report to the Governor".

4 pages 30 x 49 cm

Date: 1836

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 25

Nova Scotia Archives —

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