Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from Stephen Binney to the Governor in regards to Captain Darby

1836. — 4 pages : 30 x 49 cm.

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Halifax 5th July 1836

Major General Sir Colin Campbell

May it please Your Excellency,

I called upon Your Excellency this afternoon to have an interview upon the Subject Matter of the two Affidavits submitted for Your Excellency's inspection yesterday and return to me late in the day. I feel great reluctance in troubling Your Excellency upon this subject — but the peculiar Situation in which I am placed induced me to press this Second Application in the hope that I may induce Your Excellency to protect me by your interference. It appears to me that I can only rely upon the exercise of Your Excellency's authority.

The main and only question so far as the Government can interfere, is to ascertain if the charges made against Mr Darby be founded in truth, and I feel satisfied Your Excellency would not wish that these should be investigated in the first instance in a Court of Law, and therefore if to be enquired into at all, so as to shield Your Excellency from that responsibility which you said yesterday you did not feel called upon to assume, they must be done by some tribunal

Charges against Captain Darby. Endorsed by Sir Colin Campbell. "The Governor desires that copies of the affidavit taken regarding Sable Island be sent immediately to the Commission that they may inquire into the statements therein contained (---) M. Darby and report to the Governor".

4 pages 30 x 49 cm

Date: 1836

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 25

Nova Scotia Archives —

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