Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from John Moses to Sir Colin Campbell

1835. — 3 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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Dear Island, St. Andrews, New Brunswick Dec.r 26th 1835

May it please your Excellency. —

I humbly take the liberty to do myself the honour to address your Excellency, from my not having the knowledge, or information of the proper form, to whom my present enquiry aught to have been made, so in consequence of this trouble which I hereby cause you. I honourably crave your pardon and forgiveness. And hope you will be so obliging as to cause the proper person to answer my enquiries when suitable. They relate to Sable Island. It is my wish, to go to that Island and settle their, three Families, poor Fisherman, will go along with me, who have wives and from one, to Four Children each, I wish to know, if your Excellency will allow us to Occupy, or cultivate, any part of the Island, and upon what terms; we can have the quantity, which may be necessary for our support thereafter, whether we will have to Purchace, or as a present, or only allowed to occupy.

If I am permitted to go, I should like to take with me some Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Goats, Geese, and Turkies &c. &c. If you will cause me to be informed, if their is any Wells, or Gushing Water, upon the Island. I am a Lieutenant. I had the honour to serve Seven Years under his Majesty King George the Third, in the Royal Westmorland Militia. I am now Forty Years of Age and I do take the liberty to state to you, that I have a thorough knowledge of the cultivation of Lands and that of rearing all sorts of Cattle. I would take also, Wheat, Rye, and Barley. the two last grows well upon a Sandy Soil. But my party being but poor people, Fishermen only, I suspect they would require some little outfit, or for a few Months until something could be raised of the Lands, such as potatoes, Grain &c. I have a Brother who would go also, with a Large Family, he is a Captain

Proposing to settle on the Island of Sable with his family, stock of cattle. Dated Dear Island L. Andrews, New Brunswick 26 December 1835.

3 pages 30 x 48 cm

Date: 1835

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 23

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