Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Copy of Sir James Kempt's memorandum respecting Isle Sable

1826. — 5 pages : 30 x 54 cm.

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to the perfect knowledge which its mariners have of the situation of the Island, and the prevailing currents in the neighbourhood, it has rarely happened that a vessel belonging to the Province has been wrecked on it. Nova Scotia has, nevertheless, been at the sole cost of maintaining that establishment for more than twenty years; and having done so much in the cause of humanity, the Province thinks that it ouight now to be relieved from a part at least of the charge of supporting it.
The merchants of Boston, who have frequently experienced the utility of this establishment, formerly offered to contribute towards its maintenance; but that offer was very properly declined; the Province being unwilling to receive contributions from Foreigners. But it is now confidently hoped in the Province, that this interesting and humane establishment; which, if properly kept up, must assuredly be the means of saving thousands of lives, will be considered as a fit object for the protection of His Majesty's Government.
Signed James Kempt
London 25 June 1825

see no. 2. 25 June 1825.

5 pages 30 x 54 cm

Date: 1826

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 426 number 7

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.