Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter to the Honorable Sir R.D. George Bart from the Commissioners of Sable Island

1845. — 2 pages : 30 x 46 cm.

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Halifax 2 June 1845


We have the honor to inform you that the sum of 2000 milreas, or thereabout, being the nett proceeds of the Bark "Myrtle" + Cargo, which vessel floated from off the sands of Sable Island, in the year 1841 and drifted on the Island of Fayal, now remains in the hands of the authorities of that place.

As these funds belong to the establishment under our superintendance
having been purchased by the Commission, we dispatched the necessary documents to Fayal to William Lane Esq at that place, with instructions to receive the amount, and to remit the same forthwith.

Mr Lane informs us, under date of the 12th April last, that the papers have been received and laid before the Governor of Fayal who stated his incompetency to pay the amount claimed without a Royal Order, for which purpose, it was necessary to petition Her Majesty the Queen of Portugal.

The petition and papers connected therewith have accordingly been transmitted by Mr Lane to to H.B.M. Ambassador at Lisbon for presentation. We are led to believe, however, from Mr L's remarks,, with reference to the difficulties generally experienced in furnishing proofs satisfactory to the authorities and and from the circumstances of the documents forwarded by us, having been already once sent back, that our claim may yet

[address at lower left]
To the Honble
Sir R.D. Goerge, Bart
&c &c &c

2 pages 30 x 46 cm

Date: 1845

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 111

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