Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

List of articles sent in the schooner Martha, Joseph Darby Master, to Sable Island for the use of the Settlement there

4 July 1812. — 2 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

List of Articles sent in the Schooner Martha Joseph Darby master, to Sable Island, for the use of the settlement there.

2 barrels mess pork
5 Barrels hard Biscuit 2 plundered by Privateer
10 casks containing - 1 Chaldron of coal
1 half Hhd
1 Barrel } Lime
1 thousand Bricks
4 pair Rose Blankets plundered
10 joints of pipe for a stove
1 doz Tin pine [surge]
1 doz crockery bowls
2 Iron shovels
1 Iron pot
1 hH cart boxes
1 doz handsaw files
1/2 doz y cutt [symbol?]
2 iron rasps
6 spike Gimbles
2 frying pans, 1 saw hH.
2 sieve bottoms 4 oz camphire
[Listed on right side of above list]
one bay horse
2 Barrels Rye flour
2 Barrels Indian meal
1 Barrel rice
Halifax 4 July 1812
Received from Michael Wallace, Commifsioner for the affiars of Sable Island. all the above enumerated articles in good order, on board my schooner the Martha, which I promise to deliver in like condition unto Mr. Edward Hodgson at Sable Island, danger of Seas and Enemeys Excepted.
Joseph Darby


2 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 4 July 1812

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 2 number 242

Nova Scotia Archives —

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