Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

An additional listing of the wrecks on Sable Island over a period of seven years from November 1937 to November 1844, including a listing of the lives and property saved, compiled by Captain Joseph Darby

1847. — 2 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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Another statement of the wrecks on Sable Island, for another period from November 1837 to November 1844 inclusive, with the lives and property saved, also the produce of the island, and the improvements on it during the said period of seven years, and still under my superintendence;

First, Ten ships; two brigs; and four schooners; from which their crews[?] and the most of their rigging, sails, cables, anchors, & boats have been saved;

Second, The lives of one hundred and seventy nine seamen, and one hundred and thirteen passenger, have been saved, with an immense quantity of baggage that has not been kept an account of;

Third, The enumerated goods that has[sic] been saved and carted the greatest part of it many miles over the island, and shipped to Halifax, are seventeen hundred a\& sixty nine barrels of flour; one hundred and seventy six barrels of pork; eighty nine barrels of rosin; one hundred and eighty one barrels and boxes of tobacco s[illegible]ved; sixty dozen bottles of champaigne[sic] wine; one hundred and thirty five sheets of copper; six musquits[sic], and bayonets; seventeen bags of nutts[sic]; twenty one boxes of starch; six boxes of ground pepper; eight boxes of segars[sic]; fifty two boxes of ground coffee; twenty boxes of soap; ten barrels of beef[sic]; three thousand and eight hundred & ninety [illegible]; one hundred and four new fish barrels; twenty barrels of apples; four hundred and thirty boxes of raisins; six cheese; twenty hams; two thousand four hundred and eighty six logs of lignemvitea sixty four logs of satin wood timber; one hundred quintles of dry cod fish; five bags, and one barrel of green coffee;

Fourth, Of the produce of the island, there has been above twenty tons of old bolt iron, and several lots of old bolt copper; that has been got out of wreck wood; there has been fifty eight horses; thirty four casks of oil; and twenty seven barrels of skins; has been sent off, we have raised on the island about eighteen hundred bushels of vegetables; we have raised and killed about eight thousand weight of pork, and about thirteen thousand weight of beef[sic], we have made about one hundred thousand shingles; and saved about twenty six thousand feet of boards for the use of the establishment; we have also collected & expended about four hundred cords of fuel;

Fifth, Of the improvements on the island, we have build three ware houses for containing wrecked goods in three different parts of the island; also four other small buildings for different purposes, also assisted to put up two large dwelling houses for the accommodation of cast away people; and have built three stack of brick chimnies[sic]; erected one large flag staff; with a look out place on the top of it sixty five feet high; erected a cistern[?] on the north side with a house over it, have constructed one new cart, and one new wheel barrow; I have built a life boat upon a [illegible] entirely new; worth about sixty pounds; and a new large working boat worth twenty pounds

2 pages 30 x 48 cm

Date: 1847

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 109

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