Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

A list of the wrecks on Sable Island over a seven year period, 1830-1837, including a listing of the lives and property saved, from Captain Joseph Darby

1837. — 2 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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A List of the wrecks on Sable Island, for a period of seven years, from November 1830, to November 1837 inclusive, with the Lives, and Property Saved, also the produce of the Island, and the improvements on it, for the said period of Seven years, which was the commencement of my Superintendence although I have worked on it, and for it, closely connected since the year 1807.

First Three ships, ten brigs, and four schooners; one of those ships with passengers got off uninjured, with the assistance of the people of the establishment from three of the brigs, and one schooner there was nothing saved, from them but the crews, from the other twelve vessels, the whole of their crews, rigging, sails, boats, cables & anchors were saved;

Second The lives of two hundred and eighty three seamen and passengers has been saved, with an immense quantity of baggage that has not been kept an account of;

Third The enumerated goods saved are forty three bales of white wax, eight bales of [illegible]; twenty cakes of white wax; three bales of quills; two hogsheads and five barrels of quills; four puncheons of rum; four hundred and thirty barrels of beef and pork; thirty half barrels of pork; fifty kegs of butter; fifty cheeses; one hundred bags of bread; three hundred barrels of flour; one hundred fourteen buckets; seventeen barrels of apples; twenty kegs of crackers; forty six [illegible] of whiskey; twenty seven casks of bottled porter; six casks of [illegible]; two casks of pickles; one box of merchandise; one cask of sulphur; one cask of brimstone; two ships windlasses; eighteen hundred and seventy five pieces of three inch plank; besides a large quantity, of various kinds of goods & gold, and estimated, in Halifax to the value of fourteen thousand pounds; all out of one ship;

Fourth, of the produce of the island, there has been one hundred and fifty six head of horses; fifty seven barrels of seal & whale oil; forty four barrels of skins; five wrecked boats that were condemned & abandoned by the owners, were gathered up and repaired and made as good as new; there has been seven thousand weight of pork; fourteen thousand weight of beef; and twenty one hundred bushels of potatoes, raised and consumed on the island, five barrels of horse hair; one ox; and several tons of old iron; has been sent off to Halifax;

Fifth, of the improvements on the island, there has been a small vessel build which ran[?] better than two years and performed eleven voyages from the island to Halifax, and back to the island for which I got paid, four large copper fastened boats, two small ones, have been built for the use of the use of the [sic] establishment, there has been twenty seven buildings erected of different sizes, and for different purposes, there has been three stacks of brick chimmnies[sic] built, there has been eight new two wheeled carts made running on iron axles, carts thoroughly repaired, there has been thirty thousand shingles made for the use of the establishment, and saved about twenty thousand feet of boards, there has been two large flag staffs, and one small one erected, with convenient look out places in stormy weather, and direction bo[illegible]

2 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 1837

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 108

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