Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Copy of the Investigation held on Sable Island from the committee of the Board of Works regarding charges of assault on Isabel Humphrey against Mr. Dodd

1862. — 4 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Coffee - and her noise woke me,and when
she found that I was awake - she came to my
bed side, and pulled off the bed clothes, and tried
to unbutton my drawers - finding she could not
do - she left the room - and on previous
occasions She acted in similar manner, but
I determined to have nothing to do with her.

Mrs Shears examined
Heard Mrs Humphrey state to her Father (James
Farquhar) that Mr McKenna was the best man
and did right on the Island, that he did more
for the Establishment, than any other man -
also said, that if she saw Mr McKenna doing what
was bad, she would not believe it. heard her
say that if Mary Corbett was not a bad woman
she (Mary Corbett) was a liar and a mischief maker
I have frequently heard her much make use of most
disgraceful language to my own husband -

Francis Fitzgerald questioned by John Humphrey
Was there any plot between you, and my wife, in
respect to the story? answer, None!
Joseph Milward questioned
Are you - or were you ever aware of any plot
having been formed against Mr Dodd (answer) None

Signed H Munro, Chairman Bd of Works
H McKinlay, Commissioner d.o [ditto]

4 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 1862

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 104

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.