Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Copy of the Investigation held on Sable Island from the committee of the Board of Works regarding charges of assault on Isabel Humphrey against Mr. Dodd

1862. — 4 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Cross examined by Andr. McKinlay Esq.

1. Did you ever inform your husband of Mr Dodds conduct
toward you, in taking such liberties with you? -- No!
2. When did you inform your husband of the matter?
(ans.) In the month of July last!--
3. How did it happen, that you never informed your
husband of the matter from august 1861 till July 1862?
(ans) My reason was, I wished to spare my husbands feelings!

Henry Osborne examined.
I recollect accompanying Mr. Dodd in the boat to
Humphrey's Station, on two occasions, during Humphrey's
absence from the Island, in the spring of 1862 - these
visits did not occupy more than fifteen minutes
each, and Francis Fitzgerald who was doing duty
for Humphrey, during his absence, was present in the
house at each visit.(The above refer's to Mr Humphreys case)

Joseph Milward examined.
States, that in the early part of June last, in course
of conversation with James Farquhar/while packing
wrecked goods on the Nothe East Bar, Farquhar stated
as his opinion, that it would be better, and more advantigous
to the Island if it were divided, and
render two separate Departments, or two Governors
appointed - I asked him, Farquhar, if he did
not think, that one Governor was sufficient for so
small a place? - I said, I thought he could not wish
Mr Dodd different as superintendent of the Island.
I also said, - do you find any fault with Mr. Dodd?
is there any neglect of his duty, as regards the East
end Station? - I thought he, Farquhar, rather
hesitated - and then replied - do you not think it

4 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 1862

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 104

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