1850. — 1 page : 30 x 52 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Mess.rs Creighton & Grassie claim certain goods wrecked on Sable Island, and saved by the Superintendent and those under his command, as Agent of certain parties to whom they alleged they or part of them belong, and forbid the Sale, and require possession of Said Goods __
Assuming the Sale to be regularly [Advertised?] I am of opinion that under the law the Comm.ers are bound to take charge of all Goods saved by the Superintendent of Sable Island or in saving which he may have assisted, and when removed to Halifax they are bound to keep and dispose of them for the benefit, of the owners, and to pay the salvage of the Said Establishment on Sable Island, and all expences incurred in their removal and that they cannot be taken out of their possession unless by their order, and on payment of all salvage and expences and duties. And as the Goods are a mixed Cargo, and Mess Creighton & Grassie Set up their claim as a matter of right under the Law, I think the Commissioners, would be wrong to grant any such order, (which by the way they do not ask for,) and I understand would be a deviation from the custom generally pursued in cases of similar nature heretofore.
Halifax 2.d March 1859
Scy. [signature] James Boyle Uniacke
1 pages 30 x 52 cm
Date: 1850
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 81
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/sable/archives/?ID=2391
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.