Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from Edward Hodgson to Michael Wallace

1811. — 4 pages : 30 x 49 cm.

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soon save property enough to pay for them = and I think we might save 4 or 500 dollars worth = for they have 130 tons of logwood on board for one article = I dont suppose she will be able to save one stick of it, and if the vessel dont break up we may save the greater part of it - and if you choose to send the horse or horses, you must send ten barrills of corn to feed on, and harnesses to work them with, as we have already saved hundred bags of coffe - and about 105 bails of cotton and of I expect to save 150 more bails of cotton - we saved two boxes of germ which contains about 800 pound we have saved one streem cable, and streem [hufser?] - quite new = two more new boar cables which I expect to save this afternoon - and as for the two men I sent of with Capt Ridly I could not help it, his own men were not able to go with them = one was very much frost bit and the other two was not able to walk - and it Myres & [Fintons?] own choice in going of = as Capt Ridly = wishd to go of very much - and he prevaild on them to go with them - and Capt Ridly promised to board them all winter and pay the their wages = and even offerd to give his note of hand for it.

For Schooner Hercules Capt. Sealey with a memo of supplies to be sent down in the fall.

4 pages 30 x 49 cm

Date: 1811

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 424 number 76

Nova Scotia Archives —

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