"The Prat household at Acadia Villa, Prospect Street, Wolfville...must have been a lively merry place when Rupert and his four sisters, with their many cousins, friends and beaux, were young people. Chief among the friends were (Sir) Charles G.D. Roberts, professor of English at King's College, then at Windsor; his younger brother Goodridge, studying at King's; and their cousin Bliss Carman. Goodridge became engaged to Minnie (he died at Acadia Villa in 1892 nine days before Samuel Prat). Bliss spent most of each summer at the Prat home and wrote many of his poems there, not a few making allusions to the family, the household or the neighborhood..."
Quoted from Harry Starr, "The Prat Exhibition: a Personal View," in catalogue, "The Prat Exhibition: Three Talented Sisters" (Public Archives of Nova Scotia, October 1986-March 1987).
Date: ca. 1900
Format: Photograph in album
Reference: Prat, Starr family Nova Scotia Archives 1985-524 no. 86, photo no. 148 / negative: N-4441
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/prat/archives/?ID=51
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