Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 189

of the Board Agreed that the time for the Inhabitants to come and to make out their Claims to the Waste and Uncultivated land should be on or before the 10th Day of April 1732

     Then the Secretary Acquainted the Presidt that his Excellyhad Recommended a Ruff Draught of a Grant for a Peice of Ground and Garden lying on the N: N: E side of the Road going up the Cape and Bounded as in the said Grant Which being Read, the Board Agreed that the same might be Granted on Condition as is Mentioned in the Minute of the 13th Inst
Grant tor Peice of Ground and Garden to Cap.t Aldridge


     Then was also laid before the Board a Petition Directed to His Excellyby Jacque Leger for a Pattent for a Peice of Ground at Chippody in favour of his son who has hail it five Years in his possession Which being also Read. It was Agreed that in Consideration of the Many Disputes that are Amongst these people at Chippody about these Lands for which they have no Grants from the Govern mt That they should there- fore be Appointed by the aforesaid Proclamation, in particular to Come According to the aforesaid Limited time to Make out their Respective pretentions
Alex. Cosby [23]

Jacque Legers Petition for a Piece of Ground in favour of his son at Chippody

     By his Excellys Command Memorandum 21st Augt 1731

     That having laid before his Excellency this Days Minute he said that the time Appointed for the french to Come and to make out their pretentions was too short and that he thought to some time in this Month 1732 was little Enough of which he Desir'd this Minute to be Made and Communicated to the Board as his Oppinion
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Memorandum Orderd by his Excelly Concerning the Waste lands.


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