Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  118  Nova Scotia Archives.


this Province, it would the more Effectually prevent the Designes of the french Priests; And did therefore then Advise His Honour ye Presidt to Send forthwith for Said Tribes; Who having Embraced the Said Invitation, & the Cape Sable Indians [158], Indians and those Others who were with them, having allready Ratified What their Said Deligates had Engaged and Signed to Major Mascarene, And As his Honour the Presid.t as aforesaid, in absence of the Honourable L.t Governor of the Province, had allso Ratified what was promised and Signed by Major Mascarene to the Said Indian Deligates; Andl the Saiµ Ratification having been pertormed in as Solemn and Strick a manner as possible
The Boards Opinion in relation to the peace Concluded wt the Indians

     The Oppinion of the Board is, That what has been transacted with the Indians as aforesaid, Oannot be Recided from, without a Manifest Violation of what has been So Solemnly promissed in His Majestys name,and so confirming the Prejudice and Hatred Instill'd into them by their Missionarys Against His Majesty and his British Subjects, as Heriticks and people without faith or Principles of Honour

     And is also of Oppinion That when his Honour the L.t Governor of the Province Shall See the Major's Said Letters, He will not have Cause to find fault with the Transactions of this Board, who have So Great a Veneration for his Authority & Person & having no Other Views than his Majestys Service in facilitating their Ratification of the Same with the Government of New England as aforesaid


     Then the Honourable Presid.t Acquainted the Board that by the Last News papers there is Advice that His Majesty was in Great Danger and Narrowly Escap'd being Cast away in a great Storm as he was Returning from Hannover to his Kingdom of Great Britain And therefore Moved Whether (upon the Advice of [159] Advice of His Safe Arrivall) We ought not to Observe a Day for Offering up our Praise & Thanksgiving to Almighty God for his Daily Repeated Mercys & Loving-kindness to us his Unworthy Servants, and particu-


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